::. After practice.::

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I was walking home by myself and I heard the train passing by. I stopped and looked at the ground. I was thinking about what Watari said. " you don't wanna be the reason he gets hurt again do you?".... I never even thought like that, I always thought I was his big sister. If he couldn't do somthing I had to step in and take charge. I never really thought....
the train passed  and I continued walking home. I  would have walked home with Kousei but I felt bad about earlier and ditched him. I got home and sat in my room thinking about old times and if Kousei was REALLY happy... Or if I made him do things he did t wanna do. Then everything when black.
I woke up with my head on my desk sitting in my computer chair. I guess I fell asleep.  I look out my window to see if Kousei is up and I  don't see any lights. Maybe he left early... I thought. I got dressed, ate breakfast and left my house. When I walked outside I looked forward and saw Kousei waiting for me. I walked up to him " hey " I said. " hey Tsubaki" he said smiling. I started walking and he followed behind me. " why do you talk to me?" I asked. " what?" Kousei asked " I'm always mean to you and I force you to do things you don't wanna do.." I explained. " well your my best friend . Half the things I love most in life happened with you." He said catching up with me. I stopped walking and put my head down. He stopped too and turned to look at me. I looked up at him tears daring to spill out. " IM SUCH A JERK TO YOU!" I yell. " JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME OR YOU MIGHT GET HURT!" I yelled and ran pass him and and I didn't look back. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

After school I had soft ball practice. I hadn't seen Kousei since I yelled at him this morning. " HEY you gonna just stand there or hit the ball!?" Kashiwagi yelled. " right" I said getting ready to swing.

"SORRY THIS PRACTICE SUCKED I HAVE ALLOT ON MY MIND!" I yelled to Kashiwagi. " YEA I CAN TELL" she yelled back smiling." TAKE UR TIME AND CLEAR UR HEAD TONIGHT" " I WILL" I yelled back still walking away. Instead of going home I started walking towards the park. I walked by the back of school and was looking on my phone. Suddenly I felt someone grab my waist, they spun me around until I saw there face. It was ...Kousei!? Know he had one hand on my waist and on hand on my shoulder. " Tsubaki I want you in my life. Your the reason I find new things I like and you push me to be the best person I can be." I started blushing and tearing up. " but Kousei i might- " I said blankly staring at him. " Tsubaki you won't hurt me, I know because you never have before." I started to cry and I leaned forward and hugged him. After that we sat at the park for a little while and talked, then he walked me home. I walked in my room and sat on my bed, y can't I stop thinking about Kousei?

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