Part 3

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You are scheduled to leave for your first mission in the morning and you've been training all week, you decided to leave the Bucky situation until you got back since you could use that time to think of something to make Bucky understand.

When you were dressed for the day, you walked out of your room and towards the conference room, you had a briefing in 5 minutes, you were excited but also a bit scared since you didn't know what to expect. Steve had talked to you about previous missions just to give you a feel off how they normally went but you knew that all the training and the intel were vital for you to complete the mission.

By now everyone in the tower noticed the tension between Bucky and yourself mostly because he was the only one that didn't talk to you, you had talked about it with Natasha because your last interaction with Bucky made you incredibly sad and you really needed someone to vent to.

Natasha told you that it would be wise to leave it for a while since he wouldn't listen to you and he was still taking women to the tower and you saw them leave every morning. Sometimes you saw a girl twice but mostly it were one night stands and you were convinced that your feeling about Bucky thinking more of you than just sex was wrong since he slept around but if that is the case than you couldn't for the life of you figure out why he would treat you like this? Did he think that it was just sex and is he mad because he has to see you every day?

You tried to forget about it and think off it as a mistake that was made and that needed to be left alone but your feelings betrayed you and even though you didn't remember much, you still remembered the moment he walked towards you in the bar and introduced himself, you thought that when you saw him, he was beautiful and you could tell that Bucky was the kind of man that you could fall in love with.

But hours and a whole lot of drinks later, everything went to shit and you didn't know how to make it right anymore so you were glad for the distraction that this mission was giving you.

You walked into the room and sat down at one of the chairs, everyone was there and you were slightly confused since Steve told you this was a normal easy mission and you didn't expect them all to be here. Steve gave everyone a folder with information and you flipped through it.

"All right guys, we have 3 different missions, the folder contains information about all three since it's important to keep in touch with the 3 teams" Steve said and you nodded slowly, taking a closer look at the papers. You sensed that this wasn't an easy mission and you felt anxious, you were also curious whom was going to be your partner on this mission.

Steve looked around the table before speaking again "Okay, 1st team is Stark, Wilson, Maximoff and Rhodey. This is the largest team. The 2d team is Natasha and Y/N and the 3d team is Bucky, Clint and myself. Banner and Vision are staying here for communication alongside Hill and Fury."

"The first team is supposed to be back – up so they will be available when needed but won't travel with us towards the safe house, Natasha and Y/N will be the team that's in the line of fire since they have to get in the compound and gather intel. There will be an undercover mission going on at the same time, so it's vital that everyone knows what they're supposed to do" Steve looked around and sighed "This is one of the most complicated missions we've been on, since there is a lot going on at the same time. Team 2 and 3 will leave tomorrow to the safe house where we'll get more information and where we'll decide who goes undercover. Team 1 will be on stand-by. That's all for now guys, go and get some rest" He said and you stood up to leave the room but Steve called you back, he waited until everyone left the room before turning towards you, he smiled at you "I know this is scary even more so since I told you this mission would be easy but the new intel makes it more complicated. But I've seen you train and I'm convinced that you're ready".

You smiled at him and nodded "I'm a bit anxious but I appreciate the trust and I won't let you down" he nodded at you and put a hand on your back to guide you out of the room "Go get some rest Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow" you nodded and smiled before walking towards the kitchen to get a bottle of water and a snack.

Natasha was sitting on the couch and you sat down next to her, leaning your head on her shoulder you sighed "I'm scared about this mission, did you notice that Steve was tense?" she nodded and looked at you "I know, I saw it too, but no matter what happens, I have your back babe" you smiled at her and kissed her cheek "thanks Nat" you stood up and went towards your bedroom to lie down since you could really use the rest.

You put on your pyjamas and tried to fall asleep, all the while thinking about the mission and how it would go, you were anxious and it showed since you did nothing but turn and toss before finally falling asleep.

Walk of shame (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now