Part 7

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You walked downstairs, fully dressed in work out gear. It was 6 am and it was still dark outside. You walked into the kitchen to grab a coffee to take outside on your run to warm up for your sparring session with Bucky. He did things to you, stirring something deep inside and you were mad at yourself for allowing that.

He made you feel weak and you hated that, because you knew that you were anything but. You huffed at yourself for even thinking about him and started towards the door for your run, off course he would be awake already and outside stretching. His arms bulged and you couldn't look away, huffing at yourself for the second time in the short 20 minutes you were awake you rolled your eyes and took off towards the trees.

About 10 minutes in your run, you could sense someone following you and you turned around and attacked the person letting your thermos can fall down and swing your legs up and around his neck and fell down with him locked between them, you groaned when you saw that it was Bucky who had followed you "The fuck are you doing?" you snapped.

He tapped your leg and you let him go, standing up and dusting yourself off before crossing your arms across your chest and raising your eyebrows in question and it took him some time to answer you "I wanted to keep an eye on you" he said making you laugh "I don't need a babysitter Bucky" you said.

He glared at you "I beg to differ" he uttered and you felt your blood boil with anger, wondering what the hell his problem is but also deciding that you didn't want to know, you turned around and started running again. You could feel him following you but refrained from attacking him again even though you wanted nothing more than to do just that. but you decided to wait to kick his ass until you were sparring.

After 20 minutes you turned back around and started towards the safe house again, needing a refill of coffee and a change of clothes since you were drenched in sweat. When you had another coffee you decided to wait until after your session to change out of your clothes.

Bucky had walked upstairs the minute you entered the house and you waited patiently for him to start. Although patiently is subjective since you were pacing around, you were thinking about walking upstairs and get him but before you could move in the vicinity of the stairs he was already walking down.

You looked at him and rolled your eyes, he kept the same shorts on but took off his shirt and you inwardly groaned at the sight. You pinched your nose trying to distract yourself from his lack of clothes. You looked up at him and he stood there smirking at you and you glared back, trying to stop him from noticing your frustration.

"Are you ready?" he asked and you nodded before walking outside with him following you. you turned around and took your position, this was practicing but tonight you were expected to attend a party at the compound and you needed to be at your best, you were not even sure how you were going to keep him distracted but knowing that you needed to be ready to take him down when needed.

You looked at Bucky and he was standing in front of you waiting for your first move. You charged at him and knowing he was expecting you to go for his weak spot, you side stepped him taking his left arm and pulling it back behind his back, you could hear the metal whirring and you knew he didn't expect this move. You put your knees in his back and he dropped down on his. "That's one" you smirked. You let him go and stepped back in front of him smiling sweetly at him while he was glaring at you "Don't get used to it, doll" he said.

That word did something to you and maybe normally he would use it as an endearing term but the venom behind it now made your skin crawl and smirk at him.

You widened your stance and put your hands up, using your index finger to goat him towards you "Hit me with your best shot, baby" you said and he huffed before running towards you, he pulled his right arm back trying to get a hit in but you dodged his attempt before swinging your legs up in the same way as this morning and 5 seconds later he was locked between them again and lying on the floor. You laughed and said "that's two" .

You let him go and stood back up, tilting your head you looked at him curiously "Are you letting me win?" you asked. He went down twice already and you felt as though he was holding back, trying to go easy on you and it made you mad since you were more than capable of taking his hits.

He glares at you "off course not" he said and you smirked at him before walking towards him studying him while you did, taking in the way his chest glistened with sweat and how his left arm whirred. You focused on the scars running over his shoulder and you touched them, tracing them with your finger. He tensed under your touch and you smiled for a second before realising that you should not have done that. you take a step back and shake your head to clear your thoughts before glaring at him "Don't go easy on me, they won't go easy on me tonight so you shouldn't either" you snapped.

You saw him tense up and knew that your words struck a nerve although you were wondering which one. You took a fighting stance and he came at you again. By now everyone was awake and you were aware that you had an audience. You side stepped Bucky again but he anticipated this so he swung his arm around your neck keeping you in place. You punched him in the stomach and he let go, you stepped behind him and slammed your feet in his back making him stumble before turning around and coming towards you once again, you slide between his legs and jumped on his back putting your arms around his neck and squeezed. It wouldn't do much damage but it would make him distracted for you to swing your body around and pull him down on the ground again.

It was almost too easy and for some reason you had a feeling that you shouldn't have asked Bucky to be the one to spar with you. You sighed before looking at him, he was dusting himself off "I guess that's three, doll?" he said.

You huffed and stalked back inside incredibly frustrated by his lack of trying and his attitude towards this. You knew you were capable of fighting someone off without using a gun or knife but Bucky was strong, very strong and you were convinced that he didn't put in that much effort.

Sitting down at the kitchen table you started thinking about tonight, it wouldn't be easy because you needed to seduce the person in charge of the compound, keep him distracted long enough so that the rest of the team could get in and you were contemplating on how best to do that.

Your thoughts were interrupted when Steve walked in and sat down beside you. he gave you a folder with a picture of the guy you were supposed to distract and some background information, you learned that his name was Neill and he was quite handsome judging by the picture you were looking at. "So this is the guy?" you asked and Steve nodded "Yes"

You smirked at Steve "I don't think he'll be a problem" you said. Steve looked at you before sighing "You just need to distract him, nothing more okay? Just long enough for us to enter the compound". You nodded and said "I know what I have to do Steve, don't worry".

You stood up to take a shower and put on clean clothes, you were planning on relaxing the rest of the day, getting your head in the game before you have to get ready. "Y/N?" you turned around at the sound of your name being called "Yes?" you asked.

Steve looked at you intently "Please don't sleep with him". you glared at him and crossed your arms "If it keeps him distracted what is the problem with me doing just that?" you snapped. Steve looked down at the table before lifting his eyes towards you again "You know why".

You huffed and turned around, walking up the stairs towards your room all the while thinking about Steve's words. And deep down inside you knew exactly what he meant by it.

Walk of shame (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now