50 Life Hacks

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👑 Want to watch free movies or episodes for free? Search up the name with "putlocker".

👑 A cup of water or an apple will help you wake up more than one cup of coffee

👑 The colder the room the faster you fall asleep

👑 Chapstick helps you heal from paper cuts

👑 Dark chocolate helps your memory

👑 Eat spicy foods to loose weight

👑 Open your bag of chips from the bottom, that's where all the flavor is

👑 Use a sunglasses case to put chargers to prevent tangles

👑 Raise both hands over your head to stop coughing

👑 Eat peanut butter when you have hiccups

👑 Dip toothbrush in baking soda for whiter teeth

👑 Put glowsticks in water for night light

👑 Stain your shoes? Use nail polish remover

👑 Eating salon will help your hair grow longer and faster

👑 Need to tell a believable lie? Add an embarrassing detail

👑 If your sweater shrunk in the dryer, soak it in baby shampoo

👑 Feeling stressed? Exercize.

👑 If you have a burn, put toothpaste on the burn

👑 Bite on a pencil to cure a headache

👑 Wet a electronic? Put it in a bag of rice overnight

👑 Don't have a speaker? Put your phone in a bowl/ cup

👑 Oily skin? Egg-White Mask is the remedy

👑 Use ice cubes to remove gum from anything

👑 Instead of using shaving cream you can use conditioner

👑 Have an empty squeeze bottle? Put pancake mixture in it for better control

👑 To stop ads while playing games, put your phone on airplane mode

👑 Drinking leche (Milk) will help your mouth burn less from spicy food

👑 Chewing gum on an airplane will prevent your ears from popping

👑 If you put your phone on airplane mode it will charge quicker

👑 Have a paper cut? Put vaseline over it to close up the cut

👑 Need waterproof shoes? Put beeswax over them

👑 Want longer lashes? Put Vaseline on your eyelashed overnight

👑 To make your perfume last longer put vaseline on first then put perfume

👑 Put lace on the bottom of your clothes to give it a more classical look

👑 Store bobby pins in a old tic tac box

👑 Chewing cinnamon gum while studying will help you remember

👑 Need to iron your collar? Use your hair straightener instead of the iron

👑 When Microsoft tells you to 'revise a fragment' it means to add a semicolon

👑 Putting lemon or lime in you shampoo can stop frizzing
(Can damage you hair if you have bleached blonde hair)

👑 Don't burn yourself trying to light a candle in high places, use a spaghetti stick to light the wick

👑 Bend a post it note to catch dust when drilling

👑 Use a clothes peg to hold mail while hammering

👑 Want glitter heels? Put strong glue over it then put glitter on top

👑 To make gel eye liner, you can hear up the pencil part under a flame for 30 seconds

👑 To remove stain from clothing, apply toothpaste to it then wash

👑 Use www.featurepoints.com to get free paid on the App Store

👑 Never brush your hair when it's wet

👑 Type 432112311 in a vending machine for change

👑 When you wonder whether you can or can't trust a person, that's when you know you can't

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