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Brooklyn POV

It's crazy that just yesterday we prank called Nathan and Hunter. We are already pretty close with the people in the chat.

We realized it'll be hard to find time to text them because of time differences and school.

For example, April and I are in school right now. Lucky for me though, I have a free period, unlike April.

I'm with my closest guy friend Josh by our lockers. We've known each other since kindergarten and immediately hit it off as friends. Although I do admit, overtime I've developed a crush on him.

"That's how yesterday went for me. How was yours?" Josh asks

Great, I prank called two boys who just happened to be friends and joined a groupchat with internet famous people, I thought.

"Pretty boring. I was stuck at my dad's workplace with April."

"Really? The Brooklyn West stayed inside an office and did nothing for a few hours?"

"Believe it or not, I did," we both laugh at this.

"Josh! It's so great to see you!" A perky voice shouts.

Olivia Howe. Also known as Olivia Hoe. It's in the name, she's a player. All she does is go guy to guy and play with their feelings.

"Oh hey Olivia!" Josh greets.

"How about we go somewhere more," she subtly glares at me, "private?"

"Alright. See you later Brook!"

And just like that, he's gone.

I should've expected it. Of course all the boys like her. She has long wavy brown hair, ocean blue eyes, and looks like a model. Scratch that, she is a model. I think her mom owns some modeling company here in NYC.

Josh is like me, goes with the flow. He's pretty reckless too, which is why we're both always up for adventure.

However, he doesn't think too much,  so he doesn't see past the side of Olivia that she wants people to see. Meaning, he doesn't see the jerk she really is, just the pretty and 'sweet' outside.

I look around for someone to talk to. The halls are empty. There's absolutely no one. I sigh and sit down so my back is against the lockers.

Going into messages on my phone, I tap the groupchat from yesterday.

Brooklyn: hey, is anyone here?

Hunter: yeah I'm here

Brooklyn: text me on private

Hunter: k

I go into private messages with Hunter.

Hunter: what's up

Brooklyn: can I just talk to you?

Brooklyn: like about something I've never told anyone?

Hunter: of course. it'll stay between us

Brooklyn: thanks

Brooklyn: I don't feel very...confident around other girls. they all look so perfect and then there's me.

Brooklyn: everyone stops to stare at them and their perfect looks it just makes me feel... what's the word?

Hunter: insecure?

Brooklyn: no

Brooklyn: well yeah, I guess

Hunter: it's okay Brook, I get insecure too sometimes

Brooklyn: you do? but you have thousands of girls telling you you're perfect and that they love you everyday

Hunter: I also get hundreds or sometimes thousands of hate comments along with that

Hunter: it's easy to overlook positivity and focus on the negative

Brooklyn: yeah, it is. what makes you insecure?

Hunter: I've never told anyone this before, only Blake and my family knows...

Brooklyn: you can trust me

Hunter: okay...

Hunter: I get insecure over my figure and my looks I guess. I used to get bullied for it at school. YouNow was where I could talk to people who don't judge me.

Brooklyn: really? you got bullied?

Hunter: yeah, and I still do, but over the internet now

Brooklyn: I'm sorry to hear that.

Hunter: it's alright. you just have to remember that anyone who judges you isn't worth your time. stay close to the people who accept and love you then the hate will block itself out.

Brooklyn: that's really good advice

Hunter: you're beautiful Brook, and don't ever forget it.

Brooklyn: thanks Hunter. you are much more than your looks and you're a great guy, those haters are just jealous.

Hunter: and you're a great girl

Brooklyn: thank you, this means a lot. my free period is over and I need to get to class but thanks for this talk

Hunter: no problem, I'm always here

I smile and shut off my phone. Collecting my books, I head to class.

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