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Jacob: YO YO YO

Tori: YO YO YO

Brook: hi

Jacob: you ruined it

Brook: oh well

London: she tends to ruin a lot of things doesnt she


London: no one took me out

Jacob: well goodbye

Hunter: bye bitch

[Jacob removed London]



Hunter: shut up she deserves a lot more than a swear

Blake: well shes gone now so lets focus on the good

Clayton: speaking of the good... GUESS WHO HAS A TRIPLE DATE TONIGHT

Dani: us!

Weston: and tori and i ;)

Mario: and april and i :D

Brook: i was gonna make a dirty, irrelevant joke

Brook: but then i didnt

Mark: tell us

Brook: well mario said ":D" he gave her the big d if ya know what i mean

April: ...

Brook: im sorry

Brook: ill go to church now



April: im–

April: i just–

April: there are so many reasons i hate you

Brook: i hate you too <3

Mario: kys

Brook: i see how it is

Jonah: you guys realize we're all in the same house rn right?

Loren: your point?

Corbyn: our point is why text when you can talk

Ariel: talk? like human contact?

Nathan: sounds terrifying.

Jacob: ^^^

Daniel: its not that bad. i mean you can make friends

Jack: yeah and you can explore new things with those friends

Brandon: sounds like work

Herron: just turn off your phones and talk in person

Weston: okay mom

Tori: i will never understand why i said yes to him

Mark: me neither

Weston: theres a reason bob ross never liked you, mark.

Hunter POV

"Well, this is lame," Brandon says not even five seconds after shutting off his phone.

Loren nods, "Agreed. What do we do now?"

"We could leave for our triple date?" Tori suggests.

The lovers all agree and leave for their date.  Everyone, as usual, breaks off into their small groups and does different things.

Blake heads over to me, "Hey, bro."


We walk outside and take a seat on the grass to enjoy the view.

"Something on your mind?" I ask.

"Just checking in on my best friend. How'd it go with Brook?"

I frown, "I'm not sure. I was supposed to not mess up at all. Josh screwed up, and I was there for her. I screwed up too, and you were there for her."

Blake stays silent, unsure of how to respond.

"Do you still like her?" I ask him.

He awkwardly avoids my eye contact, "Maybe a little. I don't know. I've been trying to get to know her as a friend first, but the feelings haven't really faded. I hope that's alright."

I smile at him, "It's alright. I don't exactly get to keep her to myself, and if she ends up dating a guy who isn't me, I'd be happy for it to be you."

"Same to you, dude," he smiles back.

"Maybe for now I should get to know her more as a friend too," I tell him.

Blake gets an idea, "Brook and I have this thing where we go on walks and just talk about life. You should come; it could be the three of our's thing."

"Oh, I don't want to steal your special thing," I run my hand through my hair.

"Don't worry about it, Hunter. You're my best friend, and maybe this could help all three of us get along without any tension," Blake convinces me.

I reluctantly agree, hoping that Blake is right about the three of us getting along as best friends.

No One POV

"I wonder where we'll be in the future," Hunter ponders.

The three were able to move past their awkwardness and formulate an honest friendship.

Brook replies, "I kind of want to study neroscience. I don't know if I'll get into a top university, but if I do, it would be cool to study all the mysteries of the brain."

"Who would've thought that Brooklyn West, the girl who never thinks before doing, would want to study the very thing that allows you to think," Hunter chuckles.

Blake blinks, "That was a lot of words."

Brook laughs along with the boys, "What about you two?"

"I've actually wanted to start a business. I'm not sure what for, but it would be cool to create some sort of successful company," Blake admits.

"Wow, good for you, bro," Hunter says, "I hope that works out for you."

"Agreed with Hunter. It would be cool to see an internet star do something more, I guess, serious and mature," Brook contributes.

Blake thanks the two, "And what about you, Hunter?"

"I really like the whole social media thing, but I'd like to stop being thought of as a little Musical.ly tool. I'd like to be taken seriously as an actor or comedic YouTuber," he tells them.

Brook looks at him, "Good luck, Hunter. You'll do great on the big screen."

"Definitely," Blake says, "I can't wait to see my best friend in the movies."

The three share more laughs as they continue to make memories through the night: Although not all loose ends are tied, for now they have each other's friendship, and that's all they need.

a/n: looks like this book is starting to come to an end...

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