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Brooklyn POV

I stare in shock at the sight before me.

Not only is Nathan Triska somehow at my school dance, but he's here with April. And they're slow dancing, right now.

What do I do?

Well I get answers, of course.

April POV

I'm assuming you're confused right now, so let me explain what happened.

Nathan showed up at my house last week and has been helping me talk through my problems.

All this drama got to me but Nathan showed me what's important.

Although I'm all good now, I still wasn't prepared to just go up to Brook and Tori.

So here we are at the school dance, together.

The slow song ends as Nathan and I slowly pull apart. I see Brook and Tori heading our way.

"You know Nathan," Brook starts, "When Simon said you went offline I thought you shut off your phone, not that you flew to New York."

"Nice to meet you too, Brook," Nathan replies.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful for you being here, I just didn't know," she quickly said.

"I understand. I had to be here for April because no one else was."

I lightly blushed, but when I turned to Brook a look of hurt spread across her face for a split second.

It got silent. Tori was awkwardly standing like she didn't know what to say, Brook was biting her lip in thought, Nathan was waiting to leave this conversation, and I was nervously awaiting what would happen next.

"Hey April! Brook, Tori. And new guy," my best guy friend Sasha greets.

My eyes widen as I look between Sasha and Nathan. I completely forgot about my feelings for Sasha over the week. I can't lie, I started feeling something for Nathan.

"Sasha, hey," I slowly greet back.

"You look stunning," he compliments.

I feel the heat rise on my cheeks as they turn a tint of red. I also feel Nathan's hand grip mine harder. That's when I realize that Nathan is holding my hand in the first place.

Sasha follows my gaze to Nathan and I's intertwined fingers.

"Oh, um, I didn't realize that you, um, had, you know, a date," Sasha stutters.

"Yeah and not only that, but I'm her boyfriend. Nathan Triska. Look it up," Nathan snaps.

Sasha looks taken aback as I shoot him an apologetic look.

"Well bye, I guess," Sasha waves back to us and then quickly adds, "Josh and Chris are looking for you two," while pointing at Brook and Tori.

Brook and Tori go off to find their lovers as I turn to Nathan.


"Only if you want me to be."

"I do."

"Then April Nakata, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes I will Nathan Triska!"

I jump into his arms as he gently lifts me off the ground.

Best. Dance. Ever.

Weston POV

The last few days have sucked. I haven't been able to use my phone because it got hacked. I of course couldn't tell any of my friends because no one checks their emails nowadays.

I'm really nervous that the hacker said some bad things to my supporters. Which is why today I'm going to my phone company to find out who hacked me and what they did.

I step into the air conditioned shop. It has phones lining the room and a display in the center. There is also a couch so I take a seat while waiting for help.

When it is my turn, I take a seat at a table with the customer service person.

"I'm Matt, what seems to be the problem?"

Matt was young in comparison to the other employees. Somewhere in his twenties. He's like the Alex from Target of Verizon.


"I'm Weston, and this is my pawn shop," Matt laughs at my joke as I continue, "For real though, my number was hacked and I want to know who did it and what they did."

"Okay, I can make that happen."

After giving Matt the information he needs, he leaves to go figure stuff out.

Some time later, he comes back with news, "So I matched the number that hacked you with one in your contacts. The hacker texted people off your phone but I can't find out exactly what they texted, I just know it was in a groupchat with about twenty people. Oh and your number is recovered so basically you aren't hacked anymore."

"Thank you Harambe! Oh and you Matt. Wait you said you found a match, so who hacked me?"

"Her name is Erin?"

I look at Matt in disbelief.

No. Freaking. Way.

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