Ronnie turned to his friends for a moment. They were staring, of course, as they spoke amongst each other. He shook his head and turned back to me.
I apologized quickly before he spoke, "Ronnie, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will never do it again. I'm sorry, I'm sorr-"
"Listen!" He cut me off and startled me. He then sighed and loosened up his tension as his face became soft. "Forget it. I don't really want to know why you're here but what you saw is really none of your business," he reminded me strictly, "and you know what, I will even forget that all of this ever happened but right now I strongly suggest you head back home now, okay?" A jolt of eagerness hit him.
"O-okay?" I raised an eyebrow. He was taking this calmly. Something I didn't expect at all but his eager attitude became suspicious.
He turned to his friends again. They waved this time. He looked back at me. "Go," he breathed out and moved his head in the direction to our house.
I figured he didn't want me to meet his friends. Well, they do seem kind of cocky, I supposed.
I decided to obey Ronnie. I took my time walking back home and fortunately sneaked in without my parent's knowledge again. It was already one-thirty am.
I wonder when Ronnie will get here? I asked myself as I changed. I laid down on by bed and kept quiet, hoping I would be able to hear him when he comes back.
About twenty minutes passed when I began to hear rustling outside my window. I ran towards it and peeked. It was Ronnie. He was sneaking back in through his window.
I sighed. Wonder what happened with his friends? I thought. I headed back to my bed to rest for the remainder of the night. I almost forgot we had school tomorrow.
The next morning I woke up feeling more tired than usual. "I wonder why?" I sarcastically told myself.
I got prepared and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. While eating I kept glancing at my mom making sure she didn't eye me suspiciously. She never did. I guess we were never really heard.
During first period I began to get a little curious to what Ronnie was doing. I tried to be inconspicuous as possible when I turned but there was really no use for that. He was busy doing his work as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
Vita poked me and pointed at Ronnie. She was basically asking for my reason for looking at him.
I shook my head. "Nothing, it's nothing."
I guess things will just go back to how they were. I mean, he even said he'd forget about it and just by what I've see so far, he's been keeping his word.
When third period came around I noticed Dave and James were missing. Yes, I knew it. They had gotten suspended. Ah, but that reminded me, I've got cafeteria duty after school. I sighed. Ugh.. Now I'm curious to what Ronnie's punishment is. I never got to ask him.
After school I went to the cafeteria as told. I had to go in through the back where the lunch ladies enter.
A lunch lady greeted me and asked, "Oh, so you're the other student?"
Other student? I didn't know that there would be others with me. I nodded. "Yeah, I was sent by Mr. Lim."
She beckoned me towards the front of the cafeteria. "Well, how about sweeping the front to start off with? There's already another student doing that so why don't you go and help out." She handed me a broom.
I made my way around the lunch area towards the front. When I got there I stood dead in my tracks. No way!
Ronnie was the other student sweeping the front. He looked up at me but turned away as if there was nothing interesting to look at.

I'd Never Expected
FanfictieA Ronnie Radke fanfiction. Serenity Mae is a normal high school senior who meets a strange boy by the name of Ronnie Radke. He's a trouble maker with a history of anger issues and when Serenity finds out he would be living with her, what comes to he...