I don't remember anything. My mind keeps going blank. My thoughts run dry. My memories cease to exist.
Why am I leaving? Why am I running away? How did I end up in this situation? And… Why am I flying?
I found myself flying winglessly floating over the sea.With my messenger that contains my usual garb.
I'm extremely confused. I try to remember why I'm doing this and how is it possible but amnesia keeps striking. I didn't give up and keep trying, yet, before I know it, I began to fall, and I couldn't stop myself. I didn't know how to land. I fell a good twenty feet before something stopped me. It was a line of nets catch my fall.
How can there be nets in the middle of the ocean? I look around but there seems to be a never-ending line to these nets. I stand up and try to fly again and I successfully accomplish taking off. I look around once more and soon realize an island is close by. Something tells me I must head there. Something.
Although I don't remember anything, I keep having this seemingly familiar feeling that I know what I'm doing. I let my senses guide me as my mind becomes confused again.
As I approach the island, it becomes clearer as the clouds move aside. I see it. I fly to my destination but something else happens. This time, it's not real. I hear it in my mind. It yells and yells. It gets louder. I stop flying and begin to fall. This noise is disturbing me. This voice, so irritating.
I try to fly again but I can't. I see the blue ocean coming to a near stop at my face when I suddenly hear once again that voice, "Serenity!"
My eyes pop open and there, right at my face, my mother.
She grabbed my bed sheets and threw them to the floor. "Serenity! How many times do I have to call you?" She seemed furious. "Get up! You're going to be later for class!"
I sit up. "What?" I glance at my digital clock and to her statement, she was right. I only had half an hour till class. "Shit!" I ran to the bathroom to get ready.
Very fortunate to my part, I barely made it on time to my Senior English class with five minutes to spare before the first bell. My best friend, Vita, waited for me in our usual seats.
I walked up to her practically dragging my legs towards my seat.
"Wow, where have you been?" Vita asked as she noted my time of arrival.
I sighed and threw my bag to the table. "Woke up late."
She took a good look at me. "Yeah, i can see it."
Apparently, with only that half and hour, I didn't get a chance for a good shower so poor hygiene was pretty much revealed through my hair and not to mention that long run I just did which pretty much threw out the whole cleanliness of a shower.
As I was placing out my notebooks and book, I suddenly remembered about that dream I had last night. It was strange. So real.
I turned to Vita and wondered if i should share the topic. Suddenly a loud crash was heard from outside the window.
The few students in the classroom including our teacher rushed over to the window. When Vita and I rushed after them, our teacher ran to her school telephone.
Outside there was a crowd of students running towards a group of two boys and a thrown down trash can which was probably what caused the noise.
A fight was what ran through my mind. Ugh, not another one. I was about to turn around when I got a better view on one of the two teenage boys. Is he new? I thought.

I'd Never Expected
FanfictieA Ronnie Radke fanfiction. Serenity Mae is a normal high school senior who meets a strange boy by the name of Ronnie Radke. He's a trouble maker with a history of anger issues and when Serenity finds out he would be living with her, what comes to he...