I noticed the eyes glued to me. I smiled to myself thinking about these horrible rumors, but then my smile faded.
Who is the one that started these rumors? Better yet, who's the one that caught us living together?
The after school bell rang.
Everyone grabbed their belongings and jolted out the door. That's the special thing about Fridays, they filled everyone with energy.
I wasn't filled with that energy. I dragged my body to the cafeteria and realized today would be the last day Ronnie and I would spend the day cleaning the cafeteria together.
It kind of saddened me. It wasn't something I loved doing but it wasn't something I hated doing with Ronnie as well.
I walked in the building and noticed Ronnie taking a mop and bucket out from the back.
I ran to him. "Ronnie!"
He looked up.
"Ronnie, have you heard?" I threw my arms in the air.
"Pfft," he blew out an unattractive laugh.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, nothing… It's just that you-" he mocked the way I placed my arms in the air, "did that and…" he calmed himself a bit as he noticed my scowling face. "Never mind." He placed his attention back to the mop.
I smiled and went back to what I was saying. "So hey, listen," I began, "remember when I told you that I felt like people were staring at me yesterday?"
He squished the water out of he mop. "Yeah."
"Well, Vita told me the reason was because people were starting rumors about us!" I revealed.
The mob slipped out from his hands and splashed water all over the floor. "Oh, crap," he muttered and began to mop the spill.
I made a small grin at the way Ronnie reacts to surprising news. Now I know not to tell him something shocking when he has anything breakable in his hands, or a weapon in that matter.
"Ronnie, there are rumors about us!" I repeated myself.
He shrugged. "As crazy as it may be, who cares?" And kept moping.
My eyes widened. I know Ronnie is one for ignoring rumors, but this, I didn't think he would ignore this too.
"But you've got to admit you were surprised by it," I spoke with a grin.
He slightly nodded. "Yeah, true, I was."
"Hey, we should just like ignore these rumors then?" I asked trying to figure out his answer to me.
He turned to me. "Do whatever you want, I was just giving you my opinion on the situation."
I pondered. "No, I think you're right. I mean, yeah, who cares? It's just a bunch of ridiculous rumors! I'm pretty sure they'll die down anyways."
Ronnie smirked and tilted his head towards the backroom.
One of the lunch ladies stood there, staring at me.
I realized I had been doing nothing but talk to Ronnie these last few minutes instead of doing my job. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry!" I ran to her.
Fortunately the lunch lady took it lightly and let me off the hook. She handed me a rag and cleaning spray to clean the windows.
Ronnie and I didn't speak for the next twenty minutes, and it would have been and hour if the janitor hadn't come in to release us early since it was the last day.

I'd Never Expected
Fiksi PenggemarA Ronnie Radke fanfiction. Serenity Mae is a normal high school senior who meets a strange boy by the name of Ronnie Radke. He's a trouble maker with a history of anger issues and when Serenity finds out he would be living with her, what comes to he...