I glanced back up and took a look at Ronnie's face. He looked very confused but that didn't distract me from noticing the slight smile that appeared on his lips.
He turned to Ellie. "Wow, so what are you doing here?"
"I came to visit my dad."
Ronnie nervously scratched his head. "Oh right, they divorced, huh?"
She nodded and her smile faded. "S--o, Ronnie, I read about your dad in the newspaper. I'm so sorry. It must be devastating." She placed a hand on his shoulder.
Ronnie just nodded with a small smile and breathed out. "Yeah..." As if feeling a little ashamed that she knows now.
I don't know whether she was giving him real remorse or not but I could tell that Ronnie was minding very well that hand on his shoulder, but not in a bad way at all since he never flinched away from her touch.
"Ellie!" A couple of girls called out to her from the exit doors with bags of food of their own -- getting ready to leave.
"Oh, right!" She turned to us all. "Well, I got to go. It was nice to see you all again. Hopefully next time I come visit my dad we can all hang out." She smiled and all the guys exchanged "oh yeah, totally" replies to her.
I didn't really reply for I wasn't sure if I was included in the "all" category.
Max elbowed my rib when Ellie's attention was back to Ronnie and he whispered the lowest he could, "She means you too, you know."
I scowled and all Max did was return a confident nod.
"It was nice to meet you, Serenity," Ellie called out, snatching my attention right away.
I tried to smile. "Oh, you too."
She waved to us all and gave Ronnie another quick hug -- which he didn't seem to expect coming again. As soon as she was out the door and Ronnie sat back down in our booth, all the guys attacked him with questions.
"Shut up!" Ronnie spoke up with an annoyed face. "Look--" he started, "Ellie just came over to greet us all. That's it. Don't expect anything else to happen." He gave them serious glances.
"We never said that we were expecting anything to happen," Max defended with a sly look on his face.
The others agreed and Ronnie explained, "I didn't have to verbally hear it from you guys. It was all obviously shown in your inquiring eyes." He smirked at them.
"Whatever," the guys mumbled and went back to the last remains of their food, finally letting the subject go.
So the guys are expecting something to happen with Ellie? What the hell gave them that idea...? Oh, who am I kidding? If Ronnie hadn't specifically told us that nothing will happen, I would too think that they were going to hit if off again. Their body language was just too obvious and it looked like Ronnie literally had eyes for her. I think that no matter how much he will deny it, I sensed that somewhere deep inside him somewhere, he still has feelings for her. I just hope I'm wrong.
I was thinking too much about Ronnie and Ellie to even realize that I was still staring at Ronnie and it was until he looked up at me that my mind snapped and I -- much to quickly -- threw my head down to my soda. I took some sips and turned over to the counter just so I can sneak a peek at Ronnie from my peripheral view.
He was now busy staring out at the window while eating the last of his french fries.
I wonder what he's thinking...
I also took a look out the window and noticed the beautiful colored sky. The sun was setting and it colored the sky with swirls of blue, yellow, purple and blue. I suddenly felt like taking a picture.

I'd Never Expected
FanfictionA Ronnie Radke fanfiction. Serenity Mae is a normal high school senior who meets a strange boy by the name of Ronnie Radke. He's a trouble maker with a history of anger issues and when Serenity finds out he would be living with her, what comes to he...