Chapter 2

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"I CANT BELIEVE WE HAVE FINALLY MADE IT !" My little sister said it as if she expected the house to say something back. "Shhh." my dad said. I can't believe it myself that I'm moving to England . It's been my dream to visit here but who knew I'd be living the full dream ! One problem that I'm not to excited about is bumping into One Direction . Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke. Whatever. Anyways, I'm starting school tomorrow and can't wait to see Leslie again. That reminds me, I have to call her and tell her I'm here already. I bet she's been waiting for my call ever since I told her last week we were moving over the weekend. I really miss her since I haven't seen her in years since I moved to Los Angeles. We always FaceTime but it was never the same as hanging out with her in person and being able to do all the other things we used to do. Now, I'm so glad we'll be able to reunite again. "Oh, our things are here" my mom said. "Start to get everything out and unpacking everyone!" I went outside and carefully started to grad the boxes that said my name on it. Four hours later , I had my bed set in my room, my drawers out with some clothes inside, my closet filled with the rest of my clothes, and the television already set to watch. "Finally, I'm done here" I said to myself. "You could at least help us out here in our room and living room young lady" my mom shouted through the hallway. I chuckled and replied with "Alright, just let me give a quick call to Leslie so I can tell her we've made it and she could come visit our new home! I want to see her already!"

"Okay, but make it fast!" my mom said back. I rushed to my room to grab my phone and dialed Leslie's number. It started ringing , and in those few moments my heart started beating faster of the excitement. "Hello?" My face created a big smile. "Hi Leslie , guess what !? We're here and you can come to the house !!" I exclaimed. "Are you serious !!!! Ahhhhhh!" We both screamed in major excitement. "Omg, that's great! What's your address?!" she said. I told her my address, and in a few 11 minutes, I heard the ring bell. Quickly, I opened the door. "OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT! ITS MY BEST FRIEND AT MY DOOR!!!!" We both screamed and gave each other a tight hug. I created her mom and let the into the house. They sat on the small couch that we had already set in the living room. "Gosh Gisselle, I can't believe you're right in front of my eyes!" "Me neither!" I said. My parents came from the backyard , and both greeted Leslie and her mother. "Would you like some coffee Mrs. King?" my dad asked her mom. "Yes, that would be delightful." "What about you Leslie? Would you like anything to drink?" "No thanks." she replied. The adults went into the kitchen and sat down on the chairs that were behind the counter. Me and Leslie continued in the living room. "We have to catch up on things that I haven't had time to tell you." "I bet so." I said. For the next 2 hours, we did some fun things while we also talked and at last got to spend time with each other until her mom wanted to go home, so they left. Meanwhile, my family and I had to continue getting stuff done until it was time to go to bed since I had my first day of school tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing right in my ear. I rubbed my eyes, sat up, and started for the bathroom to brush my teeth and straighten my hair. I was in a shock to think it was already morning time when the day before, I spent most of the day unpacking things that made my back and arms hurt. But I was so excited either way to start my new year at school. There were so many things to look up to. Meeting guys, making new friends, and definitely getting used to hearing other people having the same British accent as me. At my old school, nobody had an accent like me, so it was a little unusual for me until I got used to it. But now, it'll feel like I'm in my own environment again. Yay. I can tell this year will be another great one as I experience all new boyfriends, romance, drama, friends, ect. And to think I'll be spending it all with my best friend. By the way, she'll be arriving at my house and we planned to both walk to school together.


After I was ready, I texted Leslie telling her I was done. And she was already on her way. So a few minutes later she was at my door so I grabbed my sweater, grabbed my keys, and I was out the door.

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