Letter 01 - To My Best Friend

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To: Best friends.


What to say to you guys...

N, you're a really kind and nice soul. You even carried my bag for me when I was unable to carry the heavy thing while dying of pain ^^ You always listen to my random rants, give me space when I say I don't wanna talk to anyone, so thank you~

R, you're one of the craziest people I have ever met, like ever. We bonded over Harry Potter, and since then we've become the crazy Weasley twins. We talk about the weirdest stuff ever, just be random in general, almost always say the same stuff together as well, so thank you too~

Y, you're the person who I have absolutely nothing in common with, yet have so much in common with. We even used the same brand of toothpaste without knowing once. And also, you're still bisexual no matter how much you try to convince yourself that that girl from 10-C is actually a guy cause of her haircut and habit of wearing shirts when you visit her.

T, you're... the most mature? Like, seriously. When we're all being random and stuff, you're the only one who's just there still calm and composed. And then of course there's the times when you give out advice. Love advice. And just advice in general as well.

And as much as I love you guys...

I shall also add I can't stand you at times. But please feel free to blame that on my mental state, which none of you have any idea of despite studying with me for years. None of you ever noticed that. And most of the times, none of you provided the mental support I required when I was actually contemplating about my life and not crying over my grades or my iPod or my flask or Koro sensei, even though none of you actually watch anime.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you guys being my friends. I appreciate you stuck with me throughout the years when no one else did. But it hurts, you know?

At least I can still be random with you people and not get judged for it, right?




I hope so at least. Randomness helps too.

Thank you once again.

Signing out~

~The friend that was, and is always just there.

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