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Implicated innocents, to suit his desires.

"Hello Mr. Lewis, how would you like to be treated today?" The waitress brought out a notepad and a pen. She gave him a small smile. He pursed his lips and crossed his arms. The man knew that he had perked the girl's interest because he could feel her gaze roam along his chiseled jaw.

"Well, some Italian cuisine and a date with a beautiful looking girl would do," He said suggestively. When she burst out laughing, the man rose an eyebrow at her. His eyes flickered towards the brunette's nametag. Her name was Helen. She snorted humorously and held back another laugh.

"Me? Beautiful? No way in a million years," Helen said wittily. She brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Helen cleared her throat, and clicked her pen; ready to write his order down. "I am also currently in a relationship with someone else. So I will have to reject your offer."

Mr. Lewis searched her deep blue orbs. Something clicked and he instantly knew that she wasn't lying. Her posture was straight and her voice never wavered when she had spoken. Helen had also stared at him dead in the eye. He's never really been rejected before, and it somewhat set him off.

He had bet that the thought of cheating on her boyfriend with him went across her mind. Mr. Lewis believed all women were like that except for Luciana. She was raised by highly strict parents when she was younger. Some of the girls he came across in town were quite snobby. They were always hanging around with their friends or getting fucked at the clubs.

The man gave her a tight smile and placed his order down. Helen strutted away, slipping the notepad and pen into the back pocket of her black apron. Her black chunky heels clicked on the floor as she headed back to the kitchen. Mr. Lewis stared at his reflection on the window. His face morphed into a pained expression when he saw his wife sitting across from him.

Luciana wore a petite red dress, her soft lips were adorned with red lip stick. Her long brown hair cascaded down past her chest in waves. His wife's hands were rested on her lap as she sat straight in her seat. Luciana was staring at him with so much love and affection in her eyes. It really pained Mr. Lewis that she was no longer there.

It was his fault that he let her slip right past his fingertips. It was his fault that he hadn't seen the truck swerve in from the right. He was the one who put his wife through an untimely demise. Mr. Lewis clearly remembered the time when she gave him her very last smile and the last exhale of breath. The life in her eyes disappeared and the tight grip she had on his hand went limp.

Dark crimson liquid stained his hands as he cupped the side of her face. His heart clenched tightly when he remembered how much pain he went through after losing Luciana. The agony of not being able to be by your lover's side. The fact of knowing that he wasn't able to protect her from danger made him felt guilty. He had murdered her in the cruelest way possible, and he ultimately still regretted it.

Helen returned fifteen minutes with a fairly large platter of rigatoni with meatballs. There was a good amount of mozzarella ontop which created a very nice scent. It was decorated with a piece of parsley ontop of the mound of cuisine. "Thank you. This is quite an abundant amount," Mr. Lewis chuckled genuinely.

"Sir, you are free to take your order to go if you aren't able to finish it. As you may already know, the chef is very fond of you," Helen stated formally. The man waved a dismissive hand and held his fork in his left hand. Mr. Lewis was ambidextrous, but he didn't want to let the people around the community noticing it.

It was said in the newspapers was that he had been seen last Saturday with a young girl named Aria Johnson. Mr. Lewis had faked his innocence and perfectly passed the interrogation phase. Because what the authorities would is to trick people into telling them more information about certain things. It was just the way that they worded their questions. Mr. Lewis was a very intelligent person, and he was different from the average everyday man.

He never showed much emotion, unless if he was flirting and luring in more victims of those who resembled his former wife. When they didn't seem to be the perfect replica of her, Mr. Lewis would brutally kill them off. He had a secret room underneath the basement that consisted of weapons and a metal table. It was where he would torture the women who failed to please him. He also had a separate storage room and a cage down there.

It was where he would throw the dead bodies or imprison them effortlessly. Mr. Lewis was a man of sadistic intentions. But his loneliness would be more likely to trigger those inner demons. He wanted to continue on setting out to find the perfect wife. He wanted his new wife to be exactly like Luciana.

And he didn't want to risk getting caught by the authorities. He knew how wrong this was, but Mr. Lewis himself was a desperate man. He wiped his lips with a napkin and set down his fork. The man's platter was empty. And he had only eaten one slice of garlic bread out of the four that were provided in the basket.

Mr. Lewis rubbed his stomach with his palm and leaned back into his seat. Helen came back out to the front and provided him a bill. He paid it and tipped her ten dollars for the good service. The brunette smiled at him in gratitude. Mr. Lewis waves goodbye before leaving.

He undoubtedly had other plans for the woman underneath his sleeve. He decided to wait around the corner near the parking lot later that night. Mr. Lewis had returned with a clean baseball bat and a small cloth. He had parked his car in the spot close to the next row of huckleberry bushes. He had the urge to torture her for wanting to cheat on her boyfriend.

It was nearly pitch black outside and it was fifteen minutes past eleven o'clock. He could hear the lights go off in the restaurant with a flicker. Mr. Lewis could hear Helen's voice clearly. "See ya tomorrow Mrs. Poppy!" The man felt a sinister smile make its way onto his face.

Mr. Lewis leaned against the rough brick wall. He swung his bat back and forth, matching the rhythm of Helen's footsteps. The clicks of her heels were slowly inching closer. The man saw her come around the corner, the brunette's blue orbs focused on her phone screen. Before Helen could bring her head up to see him, he smashed her head hard enough to only knock her out cold.

Her phone was tossed off to the side as her body hit the ground. Mr. Lewis paid no mind as he picked her up bridal style in his arms. He felt goosebumps crawl up his neck as her head laid limp and shifted slightly as he walked back to his car. His footsteps were silent as he kept his head down. He opened his trunk, tied her up, blindfolded and even put a gag in Helen's mouth before making her lay facedown.

Mr. Lewis slammed the trunk shut. He slipped into the driver's seat and started his car. The windows were tinted like any average black vehicle. The man drove out of the parking lot and headed back home. The roads and streets were empty and quiet.

The scenery around him started to become more green as minutes traveled. He pulled up at an abandoned dirt path deep into the woods. Once he arrived home, he parked on the side of the trail in front of his house. He got out of the car and went back to the trunk to retrieve Helen's unconscious body.

He could feel her body temperature drop slightly in her state. There was a purplish bruise starting to form on the side of her head. Her lips were red and cracked. Mr. Lewis brought her inside of the house and went down to the torture chamber.

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