Chapter 11: I can't do this

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Chapter 11: I can't do this

"I can't believe you and Luke are going out!" My brother told me

We had just gotten back to our cabin and Percy was already throwing a temper tantrum, like a five year old, and I know what a five year old sounds like, one of my friends from Safire's orphanage, Alyssa, well she can imitate people very well.

"Come on Aqua, you can't go out with Luke!" Percy screamed at me, I swear, I saw him jumping up and down, screaming "Your MY sister!"

Just then, Luke walked in...

"Why is he throwing a fit?" Luke asked

"He doesn't want us to go out." I said, while looking at Percy and rolling my eyes

"Your MY sister, MINE!" Percy screamed

"I'll always be your sister, Percy." I told my brother, that was acting like a five year old

Then, Percy started to weep.

"Percy, I won't steal your sister away from you." Luke promised

He went from weeping to sobbing, but it seemed like he had calmed down a little bit "You have to swear!"

"Fine, what do I swear on?"

Percy wiped his tears and said "Swear on... The River Styx."

"I, Luke Castellan, swear on the river styx, that I will not steal Aqua Jackson away from her twin brother, Percy Jackson, but I will still date her."


"I can still date her, right?"

"Yes, of corse, just make sure she is safe!"

"No problem, little man."

"Oh, and don't call me little man."

"No promises."

I swear, but I might have been hallucinating, but Percy growled at Luke.

"Percy." I said, trying to get him to stop acting like a dog

"What?" Percy barked

"Stop acting like a fricken dog!"

"Then tell Luke, not to call me Little Man!"

"He can call you what he wants to."


"Leave him alone, Percy, he swore on the river styx."

"Fine, but that doesn't mean I like him."

"I'm cool with that, little man." Luke said

"Ok, so Luke, I presume you came to our cabin for a reason." I said

"Yes, I did."

"Well, What is it?"

"We are playing capture the flag at 3:00 today."

"But I don't know how to play capture the flag."

"That's ok, I'll put you in my group."

"Cool, so, I'll follow your lead."

"TIME FOR CAPTURE THE FLAG." Chiron said (Percy told me that Chiron is the camp activities instructor

Unfortunately, I started to shake like a leaf, until Luke said "Don't worry, it will be ok."

"But... Luke." I said, nervously


"I'm scared."

"No worries, Aqua, I am too." My brother told me

I must have had a 'Ok, your like masifly scaring me now' face, because Luke shooed Percy away.

"Luke, I cant..." I told Luke, feeling like a scaredy cat

"Yes, You can!"

"I can't do this."


"You'll help me?"


"I'll do it." I said, very confident

Percy Jackson and his twin sister Aqua JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now