Chapter sixteen

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Here's Chapter 16 of Warriors of the wild. Also, I just saw Sponge out of water so now I am super pumped. Let it be known that I shall write into oblivion! Let's continue.

I do not own the following: Ed, Edd n Eddy, Danny Phantom, Spongebob Squarepants, Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron, Krystal, Lucario, and Renamon all of them belong to their original creators.

Chapter 16: Warriors Spar Battle Royal

We come to the calm beaches of Volcano island, where we see the Eds, Danny, Ben, Krystal, and Luke were standing. The teachers' backs against the ocean and the four students' backs against the jungle. Krystal was in a black tight-skin suit, it was sporting gun holsters on the side of her legs that had two weird guns loaded in them. Her staff was golden with a red ruby on its tip, it was fastened to her back. Luke was wearing a red bangle with a light blue crystal in it.

"Alright, now today your training is a sparring match. We've assessed which of you who needs the experience of which fighter." Luke explained.

"In short, we know who you're going to spar with," Ben proclaimed. "Ed and Danny, you'll be fighting against each other. Eddy, you'll be battling against me and Luke. Double D, you'll be sparing against Krystal."

"Oh yeah, that sounds fair," Eddy muttered, annoyed by the fact he has to fight two people.

"Danny, in your spar with Ed you can use your ghost form to keep up with Ed's warrior form." Luke proclaimed.

"Thank you." Danny bowed to Luke.

"Unlike Cloud in Death Battle, I shall show the awesome strength of the buster blade!" Ed exclaimed as he sliced a nearby boulder in half without even trying.

"Yeah, you're going to need that form to stay intact against Ed," Eddy whispered to Danny who nodded in fear.

"Alright, now the spars will take place across the island. You must adapt to-" Luke was cut off by Ben punching Eddy have way across the island.

"No more talk, let's fight!" Ben exclaimed, jumping into the air, taking off to where Eddy landed. Luke sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. He gave chase to the small teen Warrior and his brother. Krystal launched a fireball at Edd who counteracted the blast, with his own. Krystal pulled out her dual blasters, and started firing at Edd who used an archaic circle to block the oncoming fire. Edd waved his hands at his feet causing them to glow, he turned and disappeared in a flash. He reappeared five yards away from Krystal, prompting her to chase after him. Ed and Danny soon got into battle position; Ed was squatting like a baseball player ready to hit a home run. Danny had his blade in front of him, ready for any oncoming hits.

Ed charged at Danny, swinging his blade's side at him sending the ecto-teen into the forest. The heavy blade teen gave chase after him as he placed his sword at his back. Danny grunted and groaned, as he was thrown though three trees from his ally's first attack. He was stopped by something hard and cold, causing him to turn his head to see he was stopped by an ice pillar. Before Danny could react, Ed came charging out of nowhere headbutting him in the chest, sending the phantom teen into the nearest tree. Danny coughed as he pulled himself out of the tree coughing a bit of blood. He was surprised to see Ed trying so hard to fight despite his kind nature, Ed was a fierce fighter.

"Prepare to meet your maker!" Ed exclaimed as he held his blade up bring it down fast, leaving little time for Danny to intercept the attack with his blade. Danny counter-attacked by kicking Ed in his side sending the half-witted teen flying. Danny decided it was time to go ghost as a blue ring appeared around him and split into two, changing his inverted samurai outfit into its original black with gray highlights. Danny soon took flight after the flying Ed, who managed to land on the ground hard. Ed looked up to see Danny charging up his ectoblast causing him to stand up and put his blade on the ground. "I shall surf the ice!" Ed exclaimed as he stood on his blade and shot a beam of ice from his hand in front of him. The orange hair teen pushed his blade causing him to surf on the ice he created through the jungle.

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