5 ~ Car Pool

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I had been sitting at the library desk for what felt like hours, even though it had only been a few minutes, time in my life dropping to such a slow pace I'm not sure it was even passing. Tapping my pen on the side of the desk I waited for something to come to me, but nothing. My mind was blank.

In an attempt to organize my thoughts I had rode my bike to the local library, pen and notebook packed with me so that I could sit and write down everything that was consuming my mind. Writing had always been something that I could resort to before, but now it seemed like one of the most difficult things to do. I wanted so badly to write down my thoughts, for the ink to flow easily from the tip of the pen on to the paper and create words expressing my every emotion and thought with beautiful accuracy in a way that even I could understand them. I almost willed the pen to move even if it was to write something as simple as my day at school had been but nothing came out. The rough paper simply sat patiently, waiting to be used, but my mind stayed locked shut with flowing thoughts that could overtake me in one solid bite. The dark blue ink stayed where it was, waiting to be used.

Letting out a sigh of frustration I closed my notebook quickly and stood up, tucking my chair behind me. The past couple of days had been a complete blur. From ignoring Derek in the morning to avoiding Stiles' odd stares all day, I was completely exhausted emotionally. After I had stopped talking to Derek I knew his frustration was growing and when the police officers came to take him down to the station, accusing him of murdering his own sister, and I didn't stop them, I knew there was a slim chance he would forgive me. His arrival back home the next day was a big surprise for me and created a few awkward moments. What exactly do you ask a person that just got released from jail? How was the food?

Ever since I had stopped talking to him he had stopped giving me a ride to and from school, I had to resort to using my old bike for the long ride, leaving me physically exhausted. Home was extremely quiet, scaring me with the complete opposite of how it was before the accident. Home used to be a place where I could go and I knew someone was bound to be home, that I would always have someone to talk to about my day or just to sit in comfortable silence with; I'm not sure if me and Derek were ever going to get that back. I was already feeling guilty for not helping him, but I couldn't dwell on it or I wouldn't be able to focus on anything else. School hadn't been very eventful for me that past few days, although I had heard about the lacrosse game that happened the Friday before, Scott's fellow team mates patting him on the shoulder as he walked down the hallway.

My legs were stiff as I walked past rows and rows of bookcases, reading the categories as I strode down each isle that interested me. My pace slowed considerably when I saw one in particular; Greek mythology. Turning down that aisle I walked along the books, searching for anything that looked helpful. I was going to have to see Dr. Deaton again and even though I knew he would tell me more about my supernatural abilities if he could, I wanted to do any research possible to find the information on my own. My fingers scanned the book spines until I pulled one out that was labeled Greece in History: Creatures and Creations. Maybe that would have something helpful. I could feel how old and worn the book was the moment that I took it into both of my hands. The front cover was discolored and faded from being exposed in the sun or out of careful packaging, and when I opened it up to hear the satisfying crack of the spine, I saw how dark and yellow the pages were. However, the text was bold and clear in black ink, the words popping off of the pages boldly. Rubbing my fingers over the front of the book I walked towards the register to lend out my book, but I didn't make it all the way there before a familiar, though slightly unwelcome face popped into view.

"Hey," Stiles said, keeping his voice down to not attract attention from the readers around us.

"Hi," I said quietly, already feeling the blush crawling into my cheeks as I walked by him, hearing his soft footsteps following me on the carpeted floor. If he didn't already think I was crazy from when I magically disappeared the other day, the way I looked right now probably didn't help. Not expecting to see many people I knew here, I hadn't put in any effort to look presentable beyond a large messy bun sitting in the top of my head and my thick hoodie. To think I almost didn't put a bra on, I thought to myself quickly before shaking it off.

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