Hiya. And welcome to the mind of a psychopath.
Now, I'm not talking about the kind of psycho who shoots people. No. And if you feel like you might be that edgey, I would advise you to get on your knees and pray.
No, I'm talking about the good, ole', bobby socks, kinda of crazy that every fan girl finds herself falling towards when she's found something or someone to pour her soul into, without limits.
We can all do it. And if you don't think you can, just remember, we are all one 'yes' away from insanity. All it takes is one yes in a wrong situation, and bam... you're in a two story asylum with white walls and straight jackets. Believe me, I've been there...
The following chapters are designed to assist you in your journey to become a sly, suave, and dashing fan girl.
And who better to instruct you than yours truly! After all, I did kiss Harry Styles once... well, not really. But that leads us to our first lesson...
How To Be The Best Psycho Fan Girl The World Has Ever Seen
ComédieBecause we could all be a little more crazy than what we really are.