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Louis POV

I am so nervous what if she says no maybe I should not have told anyone my plan what if she rejects me, it would honestly break my heart I love her so much. We are at the restraunt and are waiting for desert it is almost time I am so nervous I feel Ellie grab my hand under the table and she looks at me with questioning eyes I give a little smile I don’t think she believes it she rubs circles on the back of my hand, god I hope she says yes she is so perfect. I see the waiter come over with desert, this is it. He places the strawberry cheese cake and I drop to my knee. She looks back at me so confused god I know I keep saying this but she is perfect

“Eleanor Jane Calder the moment I saw you, you took my breath away, the moment I talked too you I realized that you where my soul mate it took me a little bit to ask you out I was scared you would reject me, you were and still are perfect, you make my heart skip a beat when you look at me, butter flies explode in my tummy when we hold hands or kiss, you make me the happiest man alive you have granted me a princess now will you be my forever Queen?” I ask her and hold my breath waiting for her to answer me.

“Louis I would be honored.” She finally says I embrace her and give her a big kiss I am so happy right now.

“Keep it PG guys” Perrie says she has one hand covering her eyes and the other covering Graces. Me and El laugh and they all come over to give their congratulations. I am so happy right now I can’t keep the smile of my face. I finally get to Grace she looks a little confused. I pick her up and place her on my hip.

“Why is everyone so happy that you brought Mummy a present” she ask me looking at me I think El heard and came closer.

“Everyone one is happy because we are getting married we will be husband and wife, do you understand that princess?” she still looks confused but nods I don’t think she really gets it. She smiles and gives me a hug and says good work. Then reaches for El and does the same

“Girls look at me” I say they look and I get a quick photo catching them of guard, my Queen and my Princess. I look at my band mates and their girlfriends, and Avan, My loyal subjects I think to myself.

Everyone goes back to their seats I look over at El and she is beaming looking at her ring.

“Do you like the ring babe?” I whisper I see her shiver a little she shakes her head a little I feel my breathing hitch

“I don’t like it, I love it” she says “you have made me the happiest girls a live I love you so much” she whispers back sending chills down my spine.

“I love you more words can’t describe how much a love you.” I whisper.

“Do you think we can get the others to watch Grace tonight?” she whispers I just nod.

“Have to make sure Grace is ok with it though it has been a rough day for her” El says        she is right we can’t just ship Grace of if she isn’t comfortable with it.

“Hey Princess do you want to have a sleep over with you aunts and uncles tonight?” I ask her almost pleading with her I watch as her face drops I wonder what is going through her mind.

“It will be just like the girls night you had the other day but well with your uncles as well” Harry says to her. I watch as she tenses up and pales a little. Perrie leans over and whispers something to Grace and she visibly relaxes. Those two seems to have a close relationship. Grace agrees to spend the night with the others. Me and El decide we want to go for a walk before we head back.

Grace POV

Dad asked if I wanted to have a sleepover with the other tonight. I instantly think that they don’t want anything to do with me now they’re getting married. Maybe I’ll get sent back to the orphanage.

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