A new Member

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A/N:  Ok so i know this Chapter is short well rushed but I am kind of getting sick of writing this now so there will be one or two more chapters. Sorry if i disappointed anyone with how crappy this turned out

“Baby girl I went to the doctor today and well... Well sweetie I’m expecting a baby you are going to be a big sister” Mum says to me I’m not sure what to think of this. They won’t make me leave right?

“This doesn’t mean that we don’t love you and know baby we are not sending you back, you are still our daughter, please don’t ever think that we are leaving you baby” Dad says looking in my eye he is telling the truth.

“What if the baby doesn’t like me?” I ask well that isn’t what I was thinking I was supposed to say like congratulations or something

“The baby will love you because you are the most perfect person in the world and you make everyone smile and you are going to make a wonderful big sister.” Mum says I smile a little.

“Well ok cool then I’m happy, are you guys happy?” I ask them climbing into dads lap and tracing one of his tattoos.

“Yea baby where happy, we are expanding our family and we are happy that you are happy” dad says smiling. I wasn’t a very good big sister last time I let the baby die what if that happens again, no this time I’m older and I will do everything you protect the baby.

“I’m going to protect this baby for ever” I say more to myself but for Mum and Dad so they know dad tightens his grip and Mum kisses my head.

“Thankyou princess” Dad says we sit there in silence for a bit just hugging all of us.

“Do the others know yet?” I ask them they shake their head

“But we thought that you could help with telling them, this is a much about you as it is me or Mum”

 Dad says I nod not sure what the plan is mum picks something up and holds it up it is a shirt that says world’s best big sister on it then one saying downloading and has a download bar half loaded and hands one to Dad. We proceed to put the shirts on and we walk out to where the others are sitting in the theater room about to start a movie they look up and it is silent for like a minute.

“Gracie I don’t know if you know this but you don’t have a sibling kitten” Harry Says then I see realization come over Aunty Perrie’s face.

“OMG El is this real please don’t say it is a joke” she says jumping up and hugging Mum the boys still look confused.

“You guys aren’t very clever aye, Mummy is pregnant?” I say rolling my eyes.

“What with a baby” harry ask.

“No uncle Harry with an elephant” I say sarcastically causing Mum and Dad to burst out laughing it takes the others a minute to get it before they laugh as well once the sober up they all look at us and shout congratulations and ran over hugging us all. I am picked up by Uncle Niall.

“You my sarcastic niece are going to be a really good big sister” Niall says I smile and nod big we all sit down again I climb into Mums Lap she hold me tightly to her.

“I love you baby girl” she says I just lean on her and she plays with my hair.

“So have you thought of baby names, wait is it a boy or a girl?” Liam ask I look at mum asking the same questions with my eyes.

“We won’t know for a couple of months yet. Ad I don’t really have any names yet how about you babe?” Mum says looking at Dad he shakes his head no.

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