Can you forgive us?

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Louis POV


 Simon just hung up the phone after blasting me El looks at me shocked the El puts the baby down and we both run to Graces room please let this be some sort of joke I look straight in the cupboard the box with her dads stuff is gone shit she really has gone what have we done.

“El Simon said she has been bashed up El why didn’t we notice” I say getting frustrated with myself has she been getting bullied the whole time and we didn’t see it. I see El sitting on the bed with a letter.

“This is all my fault Lou” she says to me I don’t get how it is just her fault I missed everything as well.

I read the letter I totally forgot we were meant to pick her up, the poor kid had to walk home from school in the rain, she got beaten up and we ignored. By now El is crying hysterically saying how bad of a mum she is I hug her tight to me and reassure her that she wasn’t and we all make mistakes we just have to fix it get our little girl back, how on earth are we going to fix this with her I can’t believe what we have done though. What are we going to do?

I couldn’t sleep at all last night knowing I have failed my little girl, the little girl I said I would care for and love forever and nothing would change that I broke my promise to her. How can I be so stupid and allow this to happen. Actually I know the answer we were so wrapped up with looking after River, we were so tired that we completely lost our minds and now it has led to this, my little princess thinks we don’t need her anymore, we don’t love her. She couldn’t be more wrong I feel like my heart is been ripped out.  I have been up all night trying to work out how to fix this I have thought of songs to sing or taking her out for the day but that isn’t going to work they are only little ways to heal the problem, we need to learn to focus on both kids, me and El are about to go and get Grace and talk to her, immm so happy that she went to Simon so we have a chance to fix this, I never knew that Simon cared so much about Grace I know he has a soft spot for her but the anger he displayed last night on the phone shows me how much he cares for her. The boys have agreed to watch River for us why we go and talk to Grace, they are all upset with us and themselves for not noticing. I and El spent a lot of time talking last night and crying we have worked out a lot of things.

We have pulled up to Simons we are both so scared as to what is going to happen will Grace forgive us god I pray that she will I need my little girl back. We knock on the door a few seconds later Simon is standing there, not looking overly happy but I don’t expect him to be neither of us say anything but follow Simon inside I feel so nervous. We get to a lounge room and Simon sits indicating for us to follow suit which we do. I clear my throat.

“Is Gracie Ok?” I ask wanting to know how my little girl is holding up.

“So now you care” Simon says raising his eye brows.

“Simon please we are so sorry, we hate ourselves so much and we have talked about how to fix this, actually to make ourselves better parents because we know that we will never be able to fix the mistake we have made.” El says basically pleading, Simon looks a little surprised by what we has says.

“ok sorry, Grace is well she is very upset she told Demi that she would have been better if she had dies at the hands of the abusers, that way she wouldn’t have ruined anyone’s life, she is with Demi in music room, I figured Demi would be the best one to talk to her at the moment oh yea she is also sick because she was walking in the rain” he says I start crying when he says that she wishes she was dead she is just 7 she shouldn’t be thinking like that and it all my, our fault, we really really fucked up.

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