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After Dandy is done exercising, he says,
"Let's go to town, and buy all the dresses that you want!",
He said laughing then you said,
"Okay let's go."

When both of you got to the dress shop, you couldn't believe it, you have see that place before, but never even consider coming into it, everything looked so expensive,
"What about this one." You said when you came out of the dressing room.

Dandy looked at you up and down, then said,
"Yes! It's delightful!, you look gorgeous (Y/N)!"
Then you smiled, he came close to you, then said,
"I love you (Y/N), I really do, and I mean it." He said with a smile.

Then you said,
"I love you more Dandy, I believe in the luckiest girl alive!" You said smiling, then he said,
"I'm not."
Your smile disappear, then you asked,
"What do you mean?" With a confused face.

Did I do something wrong? He doesn't love me anymore? What is it?,
You think, then he says,
"Why did you got so sad (Y/N)?, I mean I'm not the luckiest man right now, because I will be the happiest man alive the day we marry each other, and have kids!, you know I always used to think babies where really boring, and not much interesting! But now, I think I will definitely enjoy having kids with you!"

Your smiled again, then said,
"Dandy! You scared me! I thought you were going to say something else!." You said laughing, the he asked
"What did you thought I was going to say (Y/N)?"
"I'm going to be sincere, I thought you were going to say that you don't love love me anymore." You said.

Then his smile disappear, he looked straight to your eyes, then said,
"Why would I ever say that?, I love you (Y/N), you mean everything to me." Then he kissed you and hugged you.

Then you said,
"I love you too Dandy, you mean everything to me, your the only one I love." You said smiling, he hugged you tighter, then he said,
"Well let's get your dresses so we can go to our first date!" He said.

You picked a lot of dresses, you tried them all, and every time you came out of the dressing room he would say words like, lovely, charming, beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent... And a lot more.

When your were done picking your dresses, and when both of you got out of the dress shop, he says,
"Would you like to go get a cup of coffee (Y/N)?"
"Sure, I'll love to!" you said smiling,
He hold your hand as both of you walked to the coffee shop, it wasn't far from the dress shop.

He opens the door for you, as you walk inside the place you see... Jimmy Darling, or as many people call him 'lobster boy', you and Dandy sit in the left side of the place, and Jimmy is in the right side of the place, Dandy orders coffee, you ask for a cup of tea.

When you drink from it you spill a little on your dress, you try to clean it, Dandy helps you to clean it, you feel embarrassed, so you say,
"Dandy will you excuse me, I have to go to the restroom." Dandy smiles and says,
"Of course dear, don't take long." He said smiling.

You walk to the restroom, you clean yourself up, as you walk out of the restroom, you hear someone say you name, you totally ignore it, then somebody touches your shoulder.

Well that's it for this chapter, 😊 and also, follow my Instagram account pleaseeeeee 😉its _dandymottduh_ also sorry I didn't use any pictures for this chapter, but at least I put a funny part from Hotel 😂, anyways love ya. ❤️

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