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You love him with all your heart.

When both of you were done taking a bath, you felt really tired, so you told Dandy that you were going to sleep, he said,
"I'll be right with you."

You walk to Dandy's room... Well is actually your room too, as you walk inside, the bed looks so comfortable, so you lay down, and fall asleep really fast.

The next morning you wake up earlier than usual, Dandy is not beside you, you stand up, get ready, and walk downstairs, you go to the kitchen, Dandy is there, he says,
"(Y/N)! You're finally awake! I made breakfast!" He said smiling.

The breakfast looked like it was made by a little kid, but you loved that Dandy was so nice to you,
he made pancakes, he drew a face on them with chocolate,
"Is that a face?" You asked.

"Yes! As a matter of fact it is!, it's like a face that people draw on the pumpkins during Halloween!" He said looking so happy,
"Halloween? I think halloween is like a week from now Dandy." You said.

"Oh I know..." He said,
"But I like to celebrate my favorite holiday a week before it happens!" He said smiling,
"Oh so halloween is your favorite holiday?" You asked.

"Yes it is! Last year was great, I had so much fun terrorizing the neighborhood!" He said so exited,
"Really? What did you dressed up as?" You said laughing a little,
"A clown." He said looking serious now.

"What are you going to dress up as this year?" You said smiling,
"A clown again!" He said,
"Really?" You asked, then you think
He's a little too old for Halloween, but it looks like it makes him happy.

"Are you going to make me some company during halloween (Y/N)?" He asked,
"Of course, if you want me to." You said,
"It would be so much fun! You'll see!, now eat break fast because we are going to town to buy halloween decorations!."

You start eating the food is actually pretty good, and the fact that Dandy was so nice, and creative made it even better,
"Dandy this is delusions!" You said smiling,
"Anything for you my darling!" He said winking at you.

When the both of you were done eating breakfast Dandy told you to get ready, you walk upstairs, and put on one of the dresses he bought for you last week.

"(Y/N)! Are you almost ready?"
He sounded a little mad, so you try to hurry up,
"One second Dandy" you said,
You walk downstairs, and outside he is waiting for you standing beside his car.

When he is driving you ask him,
"Are we going to town Dandy?" The question was obvious but you still wanted to know,
"Yes we are darling!" He said smiling it looked like he really loved halloween, so you smile at him back.

When you enter the shop Dandy's expression was so surprised, he looked at everything slowly, he asked you,
"What candy should we get?", with a smile,
"I don't know Dandy, which one is your favorite?".

"Candy corn!, that's one of my favorite ones!" He grabs a lot of bags of candy, then he says,
"Well... I guess that would be it, do you want something?" He asked you,
"No thank you Dandy, I don't eat a lot of candy." You said with a smile.

Then you remember why you came to the shop, to buy decorations, then you say,
"Dandy you are not going to buy any decorations?"
"Oh crap the decorations." He said a little mad,
"I'll get them!" He said smiling.

He comes back with a lot of halloween decorations, he looks so exited, he walks to the cashier, he doesn't even check the price, he just leaves a $50 dollar bill in front of the cashier, that was way to much money, the decorations, and the candy together we're at least $20.

Of course the cashier didn't say nothing, you walk outside the store, then get into the car, Dandy drives back home, he puts the decorations in the kitchen table and says,
"I'll tell the maid to decorate tomorrow, in the morning!" He said smiling,
"Sure." You said smiling too.

Well, that's it for this chapter, 😊 sorry I haven't upload, I just have a lot of homework and stuff, so I don't have much time to write, but I'll try to upload more often. Love ya❤️

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