No matter what he does, John is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's how he met Lafayette, Burr and Hercules after all. But it's also how he wound up in a jail cell for a night with a complete stranger who had been in the wrong place at...
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John Laurens sat at the kitchen counter in his tiny apartment he shared with his best friend Alexander Hamilton. Currently, his scatter brained partner in crime was out getting groceries. John stood up again and walked to the living room that was literally five steps away and picked up a picture he'd taken of Alexander a few months ago. It was Alex laughing at some forgotten joke, probably told by Lafayette, on his birthday. He had ribbons stuck to him and had his eyes closed as his body was wracked with laughter. John smiled at the memory. Next to that one was one of John himself under the stars that one night Hercules convinced them all to go camping. He smiled wider as he put the picture frame back down. How long had he loved Alex? John took a small photo off the mantle. It was Alexander's first snow fall in New York. He had huddled with John for warmth. John remembered Alex smelled like books and rain. He had little flecks of snow in his ebony brown hair. It was a nice feeling, holding Alex. Just as John put the photo back down Alex walked in with groceries.
"JOHN! HELP ME WITH THESE BAGS!" Alex called from the front door.
"I'm not a plastic surgeon Alex!" John called back. He could feel the smack on the head from Alex coming a mile away. Only this time it actually kinda hurt. "Ow, hey! When did you get an ounce of strength?"
Alexander just laughed. "Come on, I got food."
John stood and helped Alex carry in the bags. "So what food did you get Hammy?"
Alex giggled nervously. "Oh you know, eggs, milk, bread, cheese..."
John shifted in his chair. "That all?"
Alex nodded, attempting to hide a small plastic bag behind his back. "Yup!" Alex turned around and tried to run away but was caught by John.
"You certainly didn't get coffee and five-hour energy, right? Because we both agreed that that wasn't healthy for you." John said in a sing song voice.
"What? Me?" Alex sputtered.
"Alexander?" John said sternly. "Hand it over now."
"MY COFFEE MY FIVE-HOUR ENERGY!" Alex screamed as he raced around the apartment trying to avoid John.
"ALEXANDER HAMILTON I SWEAR TO LIN!" John shouted at the smaller man.
"CAN'T CATCH ME!" Alex taunted.
"NO! BAD ALEX!" John commanded as if Alex were a puppy. Alex continued running away from John, sticking his tongue out. John's breath was caught in his throat. Alexander was an adorable two-year-old sometimes. Even now, even after Alex had deliberately gone against John's request that he take care of himself, John still found Alex breath taking. Also the fact John had been chasing his roommate for the past five minutes might have attributed to his breathlessness. Finally, John caught up to Alex and threw his arms around the smaller man. Alex squirmed around, but John held tight. "I thought we had an agreement Alex."
"John, I have to keep working. Coffee and Five Hour Energy help." Alex pleaded.
"Alex no. I'm not telling you again. You need sleep more than you need to be three months ahead of everyone else." John said softly, snatching the bag from Alex and throwing it away. "God, you're going to kill yourself."
"So what if I do? I'm unknown, unloved, no one would miss me." Alex said softly, hoping John wouldn't hear. John did.
"How can you believe that Alex? How can those thoughts possibly cross your mind?" John said just loud enough not to be whispering. Alex began to slowly relax in John's arms. He felt safe. John noticed.
"I don't know. I mean, I should be dead John. I was sick as a child, then I was on my own after my mom and cousin died. Then I survived a hurricane. I shouldn't be alive, and because I am, I do all this work, I write this much because I can do what those thousands of dead people can't anymore. I feel I have to everything they couldn't." Alex whispered, verging on tears. John hugged Alex tighter.
"Alex, you were kept alive for a reason."
"Which is?"
"To be my friend, to speak up, to speak out, to help those who can't speak." John had to hold himself back from saying that he loved Alex.
"John? Is there a way we could save this conversation for another time?" Alex's voice broke John's concentration.
"No, I have something I need to say."
Alex whipped around. "What?"
"I uh, I need to tell you something." John said with hesitation. "I think I, I think, I think I like you."
"Laurens?" Alex questioned.
"I mean-" John was cut off by a pair of lips on his own.
"Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you." Alex said as he pulled away from John.
"Alex, honey, a simple, 'I think so too' would have worked."
Hello people. LOOK I'M ALIVE! HEY! So I promise to post another real chapter tonight ok? I STILL NEED QUESTIONS FOR MY Q AND A!!!!!!!!!