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"I swear you'll like the movie, Massie!" the aggravated blonde boy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air, then replacing them on the car wheel with a much tighter grip than before. His name was Derrick Harrington, and Massie Block was unfortunately stuck with him for the longer part of her evening. He glanced over at her, a newfound spark of annoyance nestled in the center of his brown eyes.

"Get this through your head, Harrington—" Massie pouted, before lounging back in her shotgun seat and propping up her feet on the glove box in front of her, "I. Do. Not. Want. To. Watch. World. War. Z. You got that? Or do you need me to repeat it once again?" she snapped, gritting her teeth and digging her heels into the leather under her feet in an attempt to wreck his red Porsche. Derrick's hands were holding the steering wheel so tight, now, that they could crush it if he wanted to.

"Well, maybe I don't want to go torture myself through Vampires Who Sparkle In The Sun."

With a sharp inhale, Massie's jaw parted slightly, "It's called Twilight, actually," she huffed over the insult of her favorite movie series, "and it's Breaking Dawn. Part. Freaking. Two. And, it's not like I want to go watch zombies, who are totally cliché, by the way, eat out people's intestines."

Scoffing, Derrick pounded his fist against the horn, while flipping off the truck that had just cut him off, "Vampires are as cliché as they get, Block." With this, Massie's already enraged heartbeat quickened even more.


She was cut off by an elongated groan from the back. The two feuding teens swiveled in their seats to see Cam Fisher, sprawled and taking up the entire backseat, with his head leaned against the window. Drumming his fingers against his jeans, he muttered, "God, you guys are like an old married couple."

"Are not!" Derrick and Massie both grumbled at once, then whipping their heads towards each other and letting out a glare full of one sided hatred. Massie sighed, folding her arms against her blouse.

"Why are you even here, Fisher?" she snickered, smiling to show him she wasn't mad; the two were practically brother and sister.

Cam slapped his hand against his heart, displaying faux hurt, and saying, "Derrick and I were originally the ones going to see Brad Pitt and zombies. You're the one who butted in and jumped in the car with us, taking my seat, and leaving me in the back—"

"I called shotgun."

"—as the third wheel and dateless." He threw his hands up in the air in frustration, causing Massie and Derrick to smirk at his dramatic nature. Cam had a habit of switching off between acting like a total overreacting girl, to a serious and brooding old man.

"First of all," Derrick said, glancing back and chuckling, "You're not a third wheel. That requires the first two wheels to be on a date, and we," he gestured imaginary arrows between himself and the sulking brunette next to him, bringing added rage to her, "Are not on a date. Second, it's not your fault that Claire couldn't come, you know how things are for her at home..." trailing off awkwardly, Derrick cleared his throat and nervously darted his eyes back and forth between Cam, Massie, and the road.

The car was full of defeaning silence for the next eight minutes.

"Ready for World War Z?" a slowly shrinking Derrick grinned idiotically, earning a prompt face swat from the girl next to him.

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