{ 2. The girl who always apologized }

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It was the next day and Stiles knew that day had to be the day. The day he went to school again. It was 6 AM and he stepped out of bed. He stepped into the shower to get the strawberry scent out of his head, and it worked for a solid minute, before reappearing during breakfast. He couldn't get the girl out of his head. She said exactly what he thought and felt weird about it, while she wasn't. She was so relatable to him and he knew there was more to her. He tried not to think about it while he stepped in his car to go to school. He expected weird and sorrowful stares and loads of apologies from everyone.

Which he got. Everyone in the halls looked at him, surprised he was even attending to school. He reached his locker and per usual Scott attended his at the same time. "Stiles?" He asked and looked at the brown-haired boy in surprise. Stiles nodded. "I thought I'd attend school again, maybe it'll help." He said and Scott smiled a wide smile. He hugged Stiles and let go after a minute. "I'm so happy to see you, school hasn't been the same without you." He said and Stiles barely believed him. Sure, people would know he was gone, but school wouldn't change just for him. No one had that luxury. Allison Argent came up behind Scott and grabbed his shoulders from behind. When she saw Stiles she gasped and then hugged the boy. "I'm so glad you're back!" She said. They didn't ask what Stiles was doing these three weeks because they knew the answer; laying in bed being depressed. Instead they went to class to meet up with Isaac. "Stillinski! You're finally back." Isaac for some reason always called not only Stiles, but everyone by their last name. No one really minded it and did the same for him. "Yeah, Lahey, finally." Stiles said in response with no enthusiastic tone. Isaac didn't think about it and held up his right hand for a high-five. Stiles didn't return the gesture, instead he sat down. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't want any pity, he wanted people to be happy around him and for his friends to act normal. And now that was happening, but he still wasn't having it. Isaac sat down next to him, as always, and he put his arm around Stiles to reach his shoulder. He pulled Stiles closer. "There are more hotties than ever since the new year! Wanna bet how many I'll bang?" He whispered. Yes, Isaac was a professional casanova. He always found someone new to get their hopes up for a relationship, but it'd never happen. Isaac swore that he wouldn't get into a serious relationship until he was forty-five and even then he didn't want to get married. "Ehm, all of them?" Stiles asked. "Exactly!" Isaac put his hands in the air. "And that's why you'll be helping me." He added. "How will I be helping you?" Stiles asked. "You go flirt with them and tell them about your good friend Isaac Lahey, and then when you have them hanging on your lip you give them my phone number." Isaac suggested the mediocre plan and Stiles shook his head. "As amazing as that sounds, I won't do it. Flirt with them yourself if you want them to get in your pants." He said. Isaac put his hand in front of his chest gesturing his heart. "Ouch. Stillinski, since when did you become so heartless?" He asked. "I'm not the one who's getting every girl's hopes up only to get heartbroken." Stiles said and he left the classroom without saying anything. He needed to get out. He needed to get out of the room full of airlings. Those people didn't know anything of real life, real death.

He walked trough the hallway, not knowing where he wanted to go but knowing he wanted to get outside. He wanted to get some fresh air, go to the park and look at its mystery again. Look for its secrets and its beauty. It was first period but already so sunny that the whole park would be enlightened in such ethereal beauty that Stiles needed to see it. But he bumped into someone and fell. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?" A soft voice spoke and Stiles recognized it immediately. He looked up and saw the beautiful strawberry blonde hair again, just as the lightly freckled skin and green eyes. It was the girl from yesterday. "No way! The boy from yesterday!" She said and laughed. "I didn't know you were in the same school as me!" She added. Stiles found that strange, since he was quite popular and everyone in school knew him. But he didn't question it, since that would sound self-centered and he wasn't like that. "Uh, I guess I am." He said. "Funny that we've never seen each other and now twice in two days, we must be meant to know each other."  The girl laughed and Stiles smiled. He did it without thinking, without knowing. But that was his first smile in three weeks. His first genuine smile, caused by a random girl who bumped into him. Not by his father who'd make him laugh because of his jokes, not by Scott because he would force him to, not by Isaac because he wouldn't get a date with a girl, not even by Allison who always made him laugh for whatever reason. But by this girl he didn't know the name of, only the strawberry scent. The girl who helped him stand up because she bumped into him and let him fall. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for being so clumsy." The girl who always apologized. "I'm fine, thanks." Stiles said in response. "Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be in class?" The girl asked. "I could ask you the same." Stiles returned. "And I would give you the same answer; none of your damn bussiness." The girl said and laughed, and Stiles laughed along. "Where are you going?" She asked, assuming she wouldn't get an answer. But she did. "To the park, I just need to get out." Stiles said. "That's the first question you've answered! And how coincidental, me too." She responded with a smile. They walked out of the school together. "Oh, and since you're never going to ask, my name is Lydia Martin."

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