{ 7. New member }

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Stiles got up from his bed, which he laid in the seventh time that day. It was Saturday, which was the best day of the week. Just laying in bed, looking at the ceiling, no worries about school. He heard a ring from his phone and looked at it. He got a text from an unknown number.

Hey! This is Lydia, I just wanted to say Coach let me into the team! You know, lacrosse and all... I think you know what I mean. What I wanted to ask was; will you help me training? I don't know anything about lacrosse and you do, so. Well, eh, if you want to help me just meet me at the lacrosse field at 12 PM :)

It was 10 AM, Stiles still had enough time. Lydia got added to the lacrosse team? Stiles never expected Coach would let another woman in. Kira Yukimura got led in almost a year ago, since then the team has been so much better, but Kira also wasn't really the girly type. Stiles got out of his room and into the kitchen. He ate his lucky charms (that his dad bought a few days before) and drank some milk. He took a shower and put on a flannel shirt with jeans. He checked his hair, since he needed to look his best for Lydia, and went out.

It was 11 AM, and Stiles already was at the lacrosse field. It was quite a shiny day, a few clouds here and there, but Stiles didn't suspect it to rain. He waited quietly for Lydia, thinking about what she had said yesterday. "I love when it begins to darkle. Then you feel brighter than the sky, even though we never are." For some reason everything she said made sense to him, made an impact. Everything she said was filled with wisdom and experience, even though she was a teenager. She was very wise for her age. "Hey, Stiles!" Lydia was also half an hour early. Stiles waved at her with a smile. "How long have you been here?" She asked. "Not too long, half an hour or so..." Stiles said while walking down the bench, his tone was kind, as he was used to waiting. He always came early so people wouldn't have to wait for him. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I came early on purpose." Lydia said while looking down. "Don't worry! I always come an hour early so people don't have to wait for me." Stiles said. "Me too! So people don't have to wait for me!" Lydia said, and she smiled a wide smile. "So, you got into the team?" Stiles asked when he stepped on the field. "Yep. No idea why, Coach said I had 'potential'." Lydia said while using a manlier voice to mimic the coach. Stiles laughed. "Must mean something good. What do you know about lacrosse?" He asked. "Absolutely nothing." Lydia said and Stiles sighed. This was gonna be tough.

"Since I had to wait for you at least answer one question!" Stiles said while eating hot cheerios. Lydia and him were having a break after an hour of him explaining the rules of lacrosse, and showing what to do. Lydia actually got the hang of it pretty quickly. "Fine. But only one question." Lydia smiled and she put a hot cheerio in her mouth. "Why don't you have friends?" To others it may sound harsh or mean, but Stiles asked it in such a way that it didn't. "Pass." Lydia said. "No passes." Stiles grabbed a hot cheerio. "Why do you want to know this so badly?" Lydia asked and Stiles shrugged. Lydia sighed. "When I was young I had a best friend. We were always with each other and no one could separate us, at least I thought. When we got to high school, she suddenly hung with other people. She hung with the cool kids, and left me behind. I didn't like them, so I just read my books and ate alone." She explained. Stiles looked in her eyes and opia happened. Looking someone in the eyes for a long time which can feel vulnerable. She looked so broken but strong at the same time. "Do you mind it?" Stiles asked. Lydia looked confused towards the boy. "Not having friends, sitting alone, all that. Do you mind it?" He rephrased. "Not really. As I said before; people are not loyal. They leave you for someone else." Lydia said and she shrugged. "People are loyal. My friends are." Stiles said. "May be. I just don't wanna risk being hurt again." Lydia said. "Then why did you talk to me?" Stiles asked. "Max. I saw him, pet him, ended up talking to you. You seemed so... Interesting. Different than anyone else. So I just kept on talking to you." Lydia answered. Stiles looked at her and she smiled. "I feel the same about you." He said. Lydia looked down with wide eyes. "Let's go back to training, shall we?" She laughed awkwardly and Stiles nodded. She didn't like to be in these type of situations and always made it awkward for herself and the other, and she hated it.

Wrote this on my way home. Don't know if I phrased opia right, please tell me if it's wrong, right, whatever! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! :)

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