{ 12. Long lost friend }

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It was the next morning, 6 AM. Stiles' phone was full of texts from Isaac, Scott and Allison, all asking the same thing; where are you?
Stiles hadn't checked his phone the entire day yesterday, so he replied to them all this morning.
Was with a friend, guys, sorry.
He had said and stepped into the shower. The realisation of yesterday made him scared. He hated being in love, as he didn't know if the feeling was mutual. He didn't know if Lydia felt the same about him, he didn't think he wanted to know either. His feelings for her were so undeveloped, he only just knew he had them. He turned the shower off and got ready for school. He left the house and stepped into his jeep, where Lydia had sat the day before, and went off to school.

"Why'd you skip school yesterday?" Scott asked immediately when he saw Stiles at their lockers. "I was with a friend. I wasn't excited for school." Stiles said and opened his locker. "Who are you cheating on us with?" Isaac asked when he arrived, Allison following him. "I'm not cheating on you guys!" Stiles said while laughing. But the one who he was cheating with, arrived just a second later. "Eh, Stiles." Lydia tapped the boy on the shoulder and he turned around, forming a smile when he saw her. "You forgot this yesterday." She looked straight at him, avoiding eye contact with everyone else. She handed him a collar, which belonged to Max. Stiles took it with a smile and a slight thank you. "Have you met my friends?" He then asked and Lydia looked at him with wide eyes. Please don't do this, she thought. But she couldn't say that in front of the people at hand. "Uhm, no." She said instead. "Well, this is Isaac. Your team member, by the way." Stiles explained and pointed at the boy with curly dark-blonde hair. Lydia smiled at him and he smirked back. "This is Scott, you already met him." Stiles pointed at Scott and he waved his hand at her. She waved back with a smile. "And this is Allison, the only one you have not met before." Stiles said and he pointed at the girl. Her. "We have met." Lydia said, with a sudden cold and harsh voice. She looked at Allison in anger, and Allison looked back with an apologetic and embarrassed look. "Lydia, I-" Allison started. "I thought you said you'd never talk to me again." Lydia said, the same cold tone in her voice. "So please don't." She walked away. Stiles looked shocked at the two, just as the other boys. He heard Isaac say "girl drama" but Stiles know it went deeper than that. Lydia wasn't one to fight, and absolutely not one to talk to someone with a cold voice as she did. Allison looked at Lydia with an apologetic look, and then looked down. Stiles followed Lydia, leaving Allison and the boys alone.

"Lydia!" He called her but she walked away more. "Lydia!" He called again. Lydia now was on the field and she turned around, she had tears in her eyes. "What, Stiles?!" She asked with a hard voice. "What was going on there?" Stiles asked her. "Pass." Lydia said and she turned around to sit down in the grass. Stiles sat down next to her. "No passes." He said. "Ugh." He heard Lydia say quietly. "You know that girl I talked about, that left me for more popular people?" She asked and Stiles nodded. "Well, that story goes further." Lydia said and Stiles looked at her with a confused but interested look. And for the first time, Lydia was looking at him too. When he looked at her she quickly looked away, but Stiles still noticed. "That girl was always with other people. She hung with them and never talked to me. I pretended not to be jealous or feel alone, but I was. When she came to my house after I invited her, I told her about it as nice as possible. I expected a nice answer, maybe some symphony, but I didn't get it. Instead she got angry and called me awful things." Lydia explained. "What did she call you?" Stiles asked. "Nerd, whore, teacher's favorite, that kinda stuff." Lydia said. "But anyways, I got angry at her as well, of course. When we finally stopped screaming she never wanted to talk to me again and left. I was so sad for months, she had been my friends ever since I moved here. But she seemed to be over it after a day. She hung with all of her new friends and I was just alone, in my books. After half a year I stopped thinking about her, and now I'm glad I'm not friends with her anymore." Lydia explained further. "And what does this have to do with what just happened?" Stiles asked. "That girl I was talking about, was Allison." Lydia said and Stiles gasped. Allison did that? Called her all those names? "Allison called you those names? She'd never do that!" Stiles said, almost not believing what he heard. "It's true. I'd never lie to you, trust me. I'm sorry you have to find out this way, bu-" Lydia said. "No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I made her talk to you again without even asking your permission." Stiles apologised. Lydia put her hand on his shoulder and smiled. This is what he's been thinking about since yesterday, her touch. "No need to be sorry." Her soft voice spoke, now crying. "I can't believe that I'm crying right now, especially in front of you." She apologised. "You look beautiful when you cry." Stiles said, unsuspected. Lydia smiled at him and then stood up. "Come, we have school." She said. "No skipping it today?" Stiles asked with a slight chuckle. Lydia shook her head. He stood up with a sigh and they went back to school.

Okay so I decided to give you a recommendation for music, shows, whatever after my chapters. So here's one for music;
Iwan Rheon!
Yes, he played the baby called Ramsay Bolton (YES HES A BOLTON) on GoT (and I cried when he died don't blame me). If I had to describe his music I would say lots of guitar and just very chill. I first found it a bit weird to listen to since I'm a huge metalhead but I enjoy it so much! My favorite's are On Top Of The Road and Tongue Tied.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (Btw I did like Allison, only for the first two seasons tho oops lol. I'm not trying to bash any character in this story, everything is just for the plot!)

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