Chapter 6

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"You idiot, we already passed this tree two times." I groaned. Ben and I had been walking for at least an hour, and my feet already started hurting. Why couldn't this stupid camping trip be cancelled? It looked like it would rain soon, and here we were searching for a raggedy old green flag. How would we find it? We are in the woods and that's like trying to find someone dressed in camouflage.

"Do you think you could do any better reading this map?" Ben asked.

"Nope. I'd be better off with a GPS." I snatched the map from his hands and studied it. "What's up with all these arrows?" I said to myself. I looked around, and then looked at Ben. "Which way is north?"

He shrugged and pointed up. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Why don't you make an educated guess?" He asked.

The directions all around us looked the same so I just picked one. "Okay, that's north. If it's not, which I highly doubt it is, don't blame me."

Ben and I began to walk "north". "We were supposed to be back at the camp thirty minutes ago." He looked at his watch. "We've been looking for this flag for an hour."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I mumbled and took out my cell phone. "There is no connection in this place!" I exclaimed. "What if we never find our way back? I'll be stuck with you!" I started to panic. I had to find a way back to the camp.

"You are getting paranoid. You are such a pessimist. " Ben said picking up his pace. "Who wouldn't want to be stuck in the woods with me?" He smirked.

"Such a big word for a small brain. Don't flatter yourself." I rolled my eyes. I don't even know where I'm going. "Can we stop for a minute?"

"Sure." Ben shrugged. We stopped and sat on a log. "I'm starving, man!" Ben shouted.

"Me too." Then I remembered mom packed me three sandwiches! I went digging through my backpack and I found it and held it front of my face like I just found a million dollars. "Mom you're the best!" I flung one at Ben and we both maxed on those sandwiches. I saved the last one just in case we got hungry later.

There were mosquitoes flying around my face and I tried swatting them away. "Stupid mosquitoes. Eww."

"I assume you aren't the outdoor type person." Ben laughed. I rolled my eyes.

Just then it started to drizzle. Too bad Taylor wasn't on this trip to share my misery. She hasn't been over my house in a while. We only talked at school, and I had to walk home by myself. I miss her boy crazed self sometimes.

I remembered when I first met her. Then out of nowhere I randomly started laughing just thinking about it.

"What?" Ben looked at me.

I shook my head. "Nothing, I wish I could talk to Taylor right now. I haven't laughed in a while."

"I don't understand what happened. Why can't she be friends with you anymore?" Ben asked.

"Because her step mother doesn't approve of my dark pigment." I said. "Apparently black people are bad examples. It's not even fair, Ben. It's not fair."

"I'm sorry, Lizzy." Ben said softly, and he actually sounded sympathetic. Then it started to rain harder, followed by a loud clap of thunder.

"Let's forget about the flag and try to find our way back." I said. Ben's curly dark hair was matted onto his head. We continued to walk and at about 3:15 in the afternoon the sun came up and the skies cleared.

"This weather is bipolar." Ben said, then he turned to me. "Do you think they've noticed we're lost yet?"

I laughed. "Nope. They will all be trying to remember that BLACK girl's name."

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