Chapter 10

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-luis above-

"Uhhh.." I couldn't think of anything to do, but immediately end the call.

"What'd you do that for!" Cameron exclaimed. I jumped to my feet and began to pace back and forth in his room. "Lizzy, you hung up on her!"

I rolled my eyes. "Really? I wasn't aware." I said sarcastically to Cameron's dumb statement. "Her voice...she sounded like my mother.." I said quietly.

"What?!" Cameron and Ben said in unison, which made my head throb in pain.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked.

I rubbed my temples with my index and middle fingers. "I don't know, maybe I was hearing things, but I remember my birth mother's voice, and that woman sounded exactly like her."

"Maybe it was her." Cameron said stupidly, and I just ignored him. I continued to pace while Cameron was still talking to me.

I waved my hand in the air. "Shh!" I was trying to think of what to do now.

"Lizzy, that means your mother may be alive." Cameron said.

I froze and stared at Cameron and Ben in shock as I pondered on those words. "Thats...impossible. I went to the funeral..." I tried to remember that second horrible day in my life.

Everyone stood up and walked out of the rows of pews. The woman from child services, Miss Jordan, motioned for me to stand also. I did as I was told and smoothed out my black dress. The people formed a line walking past the two caskets laid out up front.

I recognized a few faces, like my mom and dad's close friends. Miss Jordan held my hand as we stood in line. As we neared the caskets I began to cry. It was like a horrible nightmare, except for the fact that it was completely real.

I touched my mothers lifeless hand, and it felt cold. "Mommy!" I exclaimed. "Please Mommy.." I looked and my father. "Daddy!"

Miss Jordan pulled me away gently. "Come on Sweetie." She took a tissue and wiped the tears off my face, but it was no use. The tears kept flowing out of my eyes.

Just standing here in Cameron's room thinking about it made me want to cry, but I held back my tears.

I looked at Cameron and Ben with a serious expresssion. "Trust me...she's not alive." I said and that shut Cameron up pretty fast. I don't think I'll be calling back anytime soon. The only thing that I didn't understand was why that woman's voice sounded so similar to my mother's.

Just then my phone my phone started playing "Find your love" by Drake. I walked quickly over to Cameron's bed where I left it and looked at who was calling.

"It's her!" I hissed frantically. I looked at Cameron and Ben in panic.

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