Chapter 27

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"What did I do? Can you atleast tell me what I did wrong, Lizzy?" Ben was following me up the stairs.

I just ignored him and kept walking up. "Don't talk to me right now." I said angrily. I was actually pissed at him. They lived on a farm and I remember Taylor's step mom telling me that was basically the reason why she was racist. What if these old people are too? I was getting better at ignoring peoples opinions of Ben and I's relationship but these are his family members so yes it's different and matters more to me.

Ben reached out to grab my arm but I yanked it back. "Don't touch me."

I let Ben go in front of me once we reached the top of the stairs because he knew which room we were staying in. He carried our bags and placed them on the bed which was covered with a gray comforter and white sheets. Ben walked quickly over to shut the bedroom door quietly and whispered, "What is the problem?"

I poked his chest with my right index finger. "You!" I hissed. "You didn't tell them I was black."

"What?" He ran his fingers through his dark hair. "That doesn't matter."

"It matters, Ben. It matters to me. Did you see the look on their face?" I asked with my arms

crossed over my chest.

"I didn't mention it to them. Do you want to know why?" Ben asked.

"Why?!" I whispered and yelled at the same time because I didn't want his grandparents to hear me.

"Geez, Lizzy, not everything is about color!" He shouted in frustration and then he sighed and spoke softly. "You are more to me than just the color of your skin. Yeah you are black, but I don't feel like I have to always mention that."

"But they looked at me the way Luke did when he first saw me." I said. "I hate being looked at like that. Like I'm some rare discovery. You may not feel like you need to mention it but others might need a heads up so they don't end up looking at me like I have two heads!"

Ben rubbed his face with his hands and sighed. "You're right. It shouldn't be that way, but you are right, Lizzy." He came close to me and this time I didn't move away. Ben put his hands on my shoulders and moved them up and down the side of my arms. "I'm sorry." He said quietly while looking me straight in the eye. "I don't want us to fight about this anymore. Especially after what happened last time. It nearly tore us apart. I don't want that. From now on I'll give people a fair warning and if they look at you funny I will beat them to pulp."

I eyed him suspiciously. "You promise?"

"Yes, I promise Lizzy." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me passionately. Ben slowly started walking me backwards towards the bed and fell on top of me.

Just then there was a knock at the door and Ben's grandma popped her head in. "Oh my!" Ben and I sat up so fast. "Sorry kids. Lunch is ready." She grinned wide. "After you two finish being... uh acquainted you can come on down." She backed out and closed the door.

Ben and I still continued to stare at the door in embarrassment and then turned our heads to look at eachother and we burst out laughing hysterically.

I bit my bottom lip. "Your granny probably thinks I'm a skank. How embarrassing." I said while laughing and sliding off of the bed.

Ben chuckled. "She'll get over it."

I straightened my blouse and said, "I actually can't believe they are letting us sleep in the same room together. My grandparents would never."

"They are really laidback." Ben said as he smoothed out the bed spread and then turned to me and said, "I wouldn't have asked you to come if I knew my grandparents were not going to like you, Lizzy." He kissed me softly. "Just be yourself. You are beautiful and amazing. They'll love you."

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