Who Did You Smell?

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Remus Lupin lay there for, well, he didn't really know how long for, the point is he was lying there for quite a while. Where is there, you ask? Well in the bed of none other than Sirius Orion Black, who was currently occupying the space beside Remus, and pressing his warm back to the boy's front. Remus sighed contentedly and smiled to himself. The mumbling, adorable mess that was Sirius in the morning began to stir and moaned at Remus for being such a 'goddamn smiley, soppy git' which was quickly followed by a kiss.

"Ew! Morning breath," Sirius complained sleepily. He was quickly shushed and reminded of the boys occupying the other beds. "Oopsy," Sirius replied, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek and ignoring Remus' eye roll when he did.

The two eventually got up and retreated to their sides of the room to gather their stuff and get changed. By this time, both James and Peter were also waking up, throwing on their clothes and shoving books in their bags. They made it to breakfast, heaping food down their throats and chatting with their fellow Gryffindors. Shooting smiles and glances at one another every now and again. The four boys then made their way to Slughorn's classroom for Potions, as they did every Friday morning.

"Amortentia!" Slughorn bellowed once all the students had entered the room, causing a few to jump and grab their desks in support. "Most powerful love potion in the world. Though of course, it doesn't create true love, merely an imitation of the affects it may have on a person." The man continued his lecture in a similarly boisterous manner. "Now," he said after fifteen minutes of intense Potions theory, clapping his hands together loudly and waking up half the class, "Can anyone tell me what is so special about its aroma?" The teacher's gaze was rather obviously aimed at Lily, who answered quickly without missing a beat.

"Amortentia's scent is different to each person and the whatever each individual smells show what you desire most, what you find the most attractive." Remus caught Sirius wiggling his eyebrows at James and had to hold in a laugh. Slughorn praised Lily with 10 points and continued with his lecture until the class was sent off to brew their own.

Remus was partnered with Peter, as he usually was, and they soon got to work on brewing. It wasn't that Pete was particularly terrible at Potions, he just wasn't gifted in the practical application. Which meant that Remus pretty much did all the work, while Pete copied down notes. Usually Remus was pretty average-to-terrible at Potions, but this time, he had been determined to follow the instructions carefully and seemed to have done it perfectly. He was quite proud of himself.

He smiled when he caught the potion's scent, relieved to smell wet fur, cigarette smoke, and damp wood: the scent of Sirius Black. Turning back, he found his boyfriend's eye, Sirius nodded and winked at him, which Remus took to mean the relief was mutual. He felt unreasonably elated, considering he had known he was going to smell Sirius, he wondered what he smelled like to Sirius. Remus had to bite his lip to stop himself grinning too much.

"So, what do you smell?" He heard the voice from beside him as he scribbled down notes and didn't really think it through before the words were out of his mouth. "Well, that's not too difficult, I smell my -," Remus caught himself and coughed to try and cover it up, "I mean, I don't really know. Erm, could be anyone- anything."

Peter, however, was not as oblivious as Remus had hoped and his eyebrows shot up. "Your what? Your girlfriend? Remus, why didn't you tell me! Do the others know? I bet they do, why am I always the last to know?" Remus quickly shushed him and sent a worried glance to Sirius who quickly understood and laughed at him.

"Oh, so Sirius knows, what about James?" Pete asked. Remus desperately tried to shut him up, not wanting anyone to overhear.

"No, James doesn't know anything about my love life, and neither do you, just leave it," Remus hissed. Pete grumbled something Remus didn't hear and seemed to drop it. Remus should have known better than to leave it.

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