Sirius Issues

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Remus' POV

It was half-way through sixth year for the Marauders and the Gryffindors were all celebrating in the common room after winning a rather thrilling game of Quidditch. The Ravenclaw team having been thrashed at a score of 200 – 40 before the snitch had even been caught! The team paraded in cheering and spilling newly-opened bottles of Butterbeer. James Potter - being the loudest as always - was sat upon the shoulders of one devilishly handsome Sirius Orion Black –who was being equally as 'merry'.

Jumping off of his best friend, James made his way towards his firey-haired love interest, whom was currently sat beside me with a knowing-yet-intrigued look on her face. As they began their same-old-same-old flirting I stood and retreated to a rather comfy looking red chair and flipped open my book to continue where I had left of previously. Content in my own peaceful way, I began to relax.

That is until my very own, and slightly tipsy, love interest, stepped away from his fan club and towards me. Sighing, as I was inevitably about to face another round of fricking SexHairFlirtyAssSmirkyMcSmirkisonStraightFuckboy and his ramblings about the next girl he was planning to pull, I watched the grinning dork saunter up to me.

He flopped down beside me, which ordinarily wouldn't have been so aggravating, were it not for the fact that this was a seat made for the sole intent to seat one person only. Leaving me sat with the gorgeous mess known to his friends as Padfoot sat in my lap.

"Heyyy Moons."

"Sirius, as much as I enjoy your company I would much appreciate it if you would remove yourself from my lap."

Laughing, he put on his signature smirk, causing me to slowly melt inside. "Oh Moony please do try to speak English." Eyes flashing mischievously, he added: "And I know you don't really want me to leave, do you?" I stiffened. What the fuck did that mean?

No, of course not, I dismissed the crazy ideas that flooded my head momentarily, he's just joking. Relaxing a bit, I rolled my eyes at him and smiled, he seemed to think he had gotten away with his comment. Snapping my book shut I stood, rolling a startled Sirius to the floor. Now was my turn to smirk "Nice try, Black."

It took a second before either of us moved or spoke until our eyes met and began laughing.  A significant amount of joviality later and a frazzled-looking James with a wide grin plastered to his face approached. Beside him, with his arm protectively around her was the one and only Lily Evans.

My eyebrows shot up, as did Padfoot's as he yelled, "Way to go, Prongs!" which was received with more cheers. Finally, I thought to myself, at least he finally got the one he loved...

Lily's POV


...I just made out with James Freaking Potter. Damn, I gave in. I promised myself I'd wait until seventh year. Oh well, life's short.

"" I heard the grinning boy whisper.

" indeed." I smiled back.

My eyes then landed on the light-haired boy sat by the fire who was looking down at a tipsy Sirius Black, who had just dived onto his lap, with a look of love and sadness in his eyes. The boy seemingly not noticing the equally loving look behind the joking dark-haired boy's eyes.

"James?" I questioned.

"Yes my darling Evans, Lily-Flower, oh wonderful one, oh girlfriend of mine?"

Rolling my eyes I replied sternly, "1: tone in down a bit, hun, and 2: when were you going to tell me that Remus and Sirius were in love with each other?"

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