Work of Art

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He could smell him, he could smell the old books the boy been curled up with all evening, the ink that always stained his scarred hands, the chocolate supply hidden in his robes and the scent of pure Remus. He snuggled into the boy's chest, dampening the worn jumper with tears that now flowed freely down his red face. Remus' hand curled into Sirius' hair, twisting the long strands between his thumb and forefinger, making small plaits and lightly stroking the top of his head. His sobs turned to sniffles and Remus counted him through his breaths, calming him the way he knew helped when he himself was in a similar state.

Once Sirius' breath had evened out and the shaking had subdued a bit more, Remus shifted Sirius' head so they were looking into each other's eyes. Moving his hand to the fragile boy's cheek, he wiped away some stray tears and let it rest there, lifting Sirius' chin up slightly. Remus let a soft smile play on his lips as he whispered "You're so beautiful" and meaning it probably more than he had ever meant anything. Sirius, overwhelmed with emotions, tilted his head, leaning into Remus' hand, closer to him, giving the boy a weak smile and closed his eyes, adding softly "Not nearly as beautiful as you."

Sirius could feel Remus' soft chuckle more than he could hear it, but he smiled at the sound all the same. After all, it was his most favourite noise to hear. "It's true, Moons," Sirius whispered "You don't even know it, you're like a work of art. Nothing quite like it, special, capturing all the good things in the world, Moony, you are absolutely everything."

When Sirius opened his eyes again he realised that he wasn't the only one crying this time. Little salty droplets rolled down Remus' cheeks, past the corners of his shaky smile and falling to the cold stone floor of the Astronomy Tower. He stroked the back of Remus' hand, which had somehow made its way to intertwine with his own, and chuckled to himself. He couldn't help it, he just felt light, he felt free, he felt happy. When the other boy gave him an odd look, Sirius traded it with a grin and watched as Remus wiped his few tears with his jumper sleeve.

When Remus caught his eye again, the boy let a chuckle of his own out too "Sirius Orion Black, you can be really very poetic sometimes." Sirius sighed happily and shuffled closer so his head was resting on Remus' chest once more, the soft jumper against his cheek. He looked back up to Remus' warm amber eyes and said "Just don't tell anyone, okay? I don't think poetry is very punk-rock." Remus smiled amusedly "No, I suppose not. We couldn't have that, now could we?" He moved his arm over Sirius, encircling his waist and holding him closer, smiling to himself.

They lay like that for a while, neither knew how long, and neither really cared, they just felt happy, like they wanted to bottle up the moment and stay there forever. The cool night's breeze wafted over their socks and reddened their noses. They were lit only by moonlight and the dim candles bracketed on the wall. A comfortable silence settled over them, the castle was asleep and they were perfectly content in listening to it do so.

Come the early hours, the words "I love you" were left unsaid but wholly known by the two. The equal confirmation laying unspoken also, yet known just as well. Two boys walked back through the castle, only a small while before it was to awake once more, hands squeezed softly between them. Their footsteps echoed, tapping loudly despite their small volume, in the otherwise soundless corridors. They walked in silence until a whispered password was spoken and both slipped silently into their common room. Once outside the familiar door, there was a small, meaningful kiss on the forehead before they parted to their separate beds. They awaited the morning, smiles on their faces not willing to be rubbed off as they each lay in their own sheets replaying every single second, every single feeling, every single smell and every single thought. The latter caused recollection for more love than either of them could remember ever having felt before.  They both were perfectly happy in their special little world and treasured those nights on the Astronomy Tower very close to their hearts.

Sorry it's so short, and I know it moves quite fast but I've been really busy lately and am lacking some inspiration.  So if you have any recommendations or requests or anything that would be great because honestly it's the idea that gets me going, thank you^^

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