The Five Times They Almost Got Caught And The One Time They Did

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"Come on Potter! Move that stupid ass of yours or we'll be late for dinner!"

"Ugh, give me a minute, won't you? You were the one who wanted to take a nap in the first place," Harry replied sleepily as he pulled on his robes, squinting slightly as he hadn't found his glasses yet. Draco sighed and picked up the familiar spectacles from the pile of Harry's clothes and placed them on the bridge of his nose. "There," he said, "Now where is my tie?" he looked around the Room of Requirement, though his vision wasn't best either as he was still slightly groggy from their nap. He didn't usually get much time with his boyfriend and liked to take advantage of any time he did have and so their meet up had turned into a rather long 'session' in the RoR followed by a nap which had also turned rather long.  So long in fact that they were now late to dinner in the Great Hall.

Harry had just finished slipping on his last shoe when he noticed a tie and chucked it in Draco's direction without so much as a second glance before searching for his wand. Their routine - if it could be considered such a thing - after their moments together tended to be rushed and haphazard. The blonde boy mumbled a quick thank you and tied it with immaculate precision within seconds almost effortlessly. Draco did everything with precision and a kind of elegance that nobody else seemed to be able to pull off. Harry though, always appreciated when he could see Draco as himself, when there was no wall blocking his emotions, his grumpiness more adorable than intimidating and his hair was all messed up. Draco muttered a spell to sort out his hair, which Harry refused to learn despite Draco's insistence - even though Harry suspected he quite like the messy hair, if earlier was anything to go by - and walked back over to Harry. With a parting kiss, Draco slipped out the doors and Harry didn't need to be reminded to wait two minutes before following.

Smiling as he recalled that afternoon, Harry left in the direction of the Great Hall (two minutes after the blonde). He hoped his hair wasn't any messier than usual and gave anything away and in a moment of self-consciousness he attempted to flatten it, unsuccessfully. He reached the doors and stopped even attempting to 'train the mane' as Dean and Seamus liked to say. Sighing, he remembered what he had to do, it wasn't anything awful, he lied to his friends quite often actually, he just didn't like doing it at all, understandably. Harry entered the Hall a moment later, taking his usual seat beside Ron only five minutes off-schedule. His eyes flickered across the Hall to the Slytherin table instinctively, only looking away when he caught sight of familiar silver blonde hair. He tried not to think of how his fingers had been tangled in that hair not too long ago and instead turned his focus to his friends. It was then that he noticed they were all looking at him with mixed expressions of horror, shock and confusion – a little smugness on Hermione's part, which was concerning to say the least.

"Mate..." Ron said slowly, slightly horrified. Harry, feeling both confused as awkward raised his eyebrows "Yeah?" "You're wearing a Slytherin tie," Ron whispered loud enough for just about everyone to hear. Harry froze, looking down he realised that he was indeed wearing a Slytherin tie.  Damn, he must have grabbed Draco's accidentally.  His mind was whirring, panicking.  The amused, worried and concerned voices of his friends surrounding him.  It was then that Harry realised that he was utterly and completely fucked unless he did something and quickly.


Over on the other side of the Hall, Draco was being bombarded with similar questions. Pansy was giving him a bemused look "So...who is the lucky girl? Is it Granger? Please don't tell me it's Weaselette." Before Draco could protest in disgust, Blaise butted in "Or, is it a guy? Hmmn?" Draco turned a shade of red to match the Gryffindor tie around his neck, making both of his friends cackle with laughter. "No!" he denied "No, I-I just," his mind flicked through any possible excuse he could use, "Potions! Yes, that's it! In Potions the room was really hot and I put my tie down somewhere and must have switched with someone!" The lie was flimsy but acceptable and as Draco caught eyes with Harry across the room he adopted the typical sneer he reserved just for special occasions and yelled "Oi, Potter!" This was all too effective and ended up catching the attention of the whole Gryffindor table, the other two houses simply rolled their eyes at them and continued with their meal. Draco smirked, his 'Hating Harry' mask coming up as he said, "Try not to be such a blithering nitwit and pick up your own tie in Potions next time!"

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