Ch. 2) Reborn

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I don't remember much afterwards. But I was dead for a few hours apparently, and my funeral was two weeks after my death so I really have no idea who they buried.

I'm sure my death didn't mean much. But he said a lot of kids from my high school came and a few kids from the terrible foster home I was staying at came. It surprised me a lot.

Like, where were you all when I was alive?

My body had ached and burned the most at first. I remember feeling restricted, as if I couldn't move. There was a numbing pain that overwhelmed my senses and made it difficult to so much as shift a mere limb. It were as if everytime I did attempt to move, the numb pain would become sharper and stinging, shooting up my spine. There was an itch, like the ones you get when a wound is healing, but this one was tenfold the ones I was used to or anyone would be for that matter, it was a painful scratch. And the problem was, I couldn't so much as brush a finger against my skin, not with it in such a fragile state far beyond the immense itch. For there was a burn that brushed my skin like freshly blazing from a fireside branding strokes, it created a cloud of pulsing white clouds in my mind, the dizziness cascading me into the clouds and borderline insanity. Dizzying the room I would soon learn to be so very beautiful. So much of my mind was clouded that I wasn't even able process the fact that I had died and that I should've been terribly frightened.

Until later on that is.

Eventually, once the time came for understanding, I panicked. My heart beating significantly fast and hard. A pit of fear worming it's way into my body causing my skin to crawl, and a sick feeling to flood my stomach. Feeling my heart beat that way only fueled my fear. I wasn't supposed to have a heart beat to begin with.

"What is this?" My voice was barely audible, my throat itched with a terrible dryness. Tears streamed from my eyes as memory of the crash came back markedly so. I remembered the crash. I remembered my car spinning down the side of the road and I tried to stop it, but nothing could stop the law of gravity, not even the whisper of my frantic prayer, or the raging sounds of screams, and so it kept going. I felt my bones crack and glass pierce all the way through my body. I remembered the blood.

I remembered I died, "I died." I whisper to the room. Yet my skin is warm and I am breathing, "I died," I sobbed out.

My chest rising and falling, with the deep raspy intakes of breath. And I started to thrash around, the pain only growing worse as I do. Looking down I find my hands shaky, and I pulled them closer around me for some weak form of comfort.

"What's happening to me," my voice rises, "Whats happening to me!" I screamed. The sobbing only continued, "Someone help me! Please someone help me!"

A women bursted through the room then. Her long brown hair fluttering behind her and she ran to me clutching her long plain blue dress.

"Help me!" I begged her, "It hurts. It's hurts!" I grabbed my sheets, my pillows and my hair.

She took my hands and held them with a strong hold, "Shh everything will be okay." She spoke gently as if speaking to a fearful child.

"But I died!"

"Yes. But now you live. And your body will hurt as it heals but everything will be okay," her hushed and calming voice assured.

And reaching for my night stand she grabbed a cup full of red liquid, "Here. Drink."

"No..." I pushed it away and regretted it immediately, hissing in pain at the sudden movement.

"Drink." She tries pressing the cup to my lips, "It will help you get better."

I glared at her through my tear stained eyes, before trying to swat the cup away again, "I said no!"

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