Ch.36) Epilouge| Even in the Ever After

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A/N: It's the final chapter guys 😭. Let us mourn the end...
But be sure to enjoy!

Five Years Later

Look mommy?" Nicholas brings a small finger up to his mouth in a shushing motion, "Look."

Shaking my head I make my way closer to him, "Messiah," I call him by his middle name, "what in the world are you doing there?"

"Mommy shush!" He whispers yells then grabs my hand, "Listen. Listen..." I allow him to pull me closer to those now overly familiar black doors. After all I'd find myself in the room behind those doors so much more often. It was like my second room. I guess in a way it made him feel better, or healed to say.

"Listen to what honey, I don't think-" I shut my mouth when I hear the soft sounds of the cello filling the air, overflowing to the long dark hall behind me. That eerie, magnetic, beautiful tunes, gracing my ears, stroking my heart. And I can't help but smile and want to cry all that same time. Such alluring music, I knew all too well, I knew it's effects. The ability to grapple with ones soul, tempt it, and yet bring it life graciously. Divine it was I suppose. Like the night I'd lost everything. And the night I gained everything thing too. Or maybe it was how I knew that those tunes were being produced and catered to the world by him.

Poking my head through the partially open door I sneak a look at him. Seated there comfortably like home, in a chair and the cello in between his legs. The bow, shifting back and forth, slightly diagonal as it ran across the string. Low and high the tunes, deep and soft, they played. I shift my gaze from the instrument to the man playing it.

Jerias eyes were closed, and his brows were pulled like he felt the music. Which I was sure he did, he wore a simple black t shirt paired with sleek slightly hugging black pants. He arms bared as they stretch forward and back, his hair hanging low over his forehead, casting a shadow over his handsome and expressive features.

In a way. At that exact moment, he looked... both lost, and found.

"I wanna be just like daddy," Nicholas whispered and looks at me with a very beautiful and hopeful smile. That smile, Jerias claimed, was mine. Cheerful and wide. But I always thought it to be his. Jerias knew not of just how warm his beaming grin was. Nicholas's eyes on the other hand, I could claim to be my own. Round and wide, but his lashes much longer. His iris certainly much lighter in blue. His hair bronzed slowly over time into a more sandy golden blond mixing with shades of dark brown at the root. Much like his deep autumn skin tone.

"Can I go in?" He tugs at my skirt.

"I don't know-"

"Come," Jerias halts his movements then looks up at the door, "Can't hide behind that door forever right?"

Grinning I shake my head all while pushing open the door, and Nicholas runs inside up next to him. Jerias stood before bending down then toward Nicholas who was still very little. He grew a little slower compared to other nosferatus, but still much faster than a normal human. He was almost six and his height reached nearly 55 inches. So he was such a cute little thing next to his father Jerias who was terribly tall and terribly strong. But you could tell he'd be just as handsome as him one day. Nicholas slightly softer in comparison with roundness to his gentle feature of course. But he looked like him, besides the color of his eyes and hair.

I watch them exchange a few words. Nicholas full of extreme elation as he points to the piano, and Jerias patting his head, pulling him closer to share a kiss on his forehead. Finally he stands and beckons Nicholas to follow and they sit together in front of the piano. Jerias plays first, teaching him something new or old perhaps, and Nicholas follows after giving it a go.
He was a fast learner that boy, I watched him learn music with Jerias ever so often and I always came back each time impressed. I wasn't much of a musician myself... heck, I couldn't even sing a tune if I tried but, I knew good music when I heard it.

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