Ch. 18) Markys

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The man hadn't known what to wear this time but settled on a hoodie again. He'd been following the young women for some days now. And although she hadn't noticed he knew others could tell, he was after all a rather large man and black hoodie only made him more suspicious than it did invisible. He told himself that yesterday would be the last day and that he knew enough information to know what his next move would be... but as much as he tried; he couldn't bring himself to do what he wanted.

He wanted his son the be safe and free from the burdens of death or hiding. But when he witnessed him; for the first time in almost 10 and a half decades; he'd realized he wanted his son to be happy more than anything. The way he looked at that young girl, the way he smiled at her even when he attempted to hide it remind him of himself. Reminded him of true love and happiness. And he knew he didn't want to take that way from him.

"She's a pretty one isn't she."

He raises his brow and keeps from showing his surprise from the sudden voice. Without looking the man answers, "Yes. She is indeed."

"Have you enough information on her yet? Her name even?"

He turns to look at the Being finally. Taking in the pale white woman's shocking features all at once. She wore a black cloth that emphasized the whiteness of her skin. Her hoodie was pulled back showing her pitch black hair. And her ominous black eyes showed amusement. He'd always thought that no matter he many times met up with one of the Higher Beings he always found that their ethereal beauty was always much too intense.

"She's a teacher at this school here from what I can tell. But no. I've known nothing of her yet. Not even of her name."

"Ines." She smiles showing pearly white teeth, "Pretty name for pretty girl don't you say?"

He sighs staring back at her, "Ines..." He repeats the name quietly. Watching the sleek black car pull up into the driveway he notices the women step forward with a small smile on her face her simple green dress blowing in the wind. The car pulls to a stop before her and she steps closer.

The man hopes that his son will be here this time. It's not often that he comes to pick her up personally but he had a feeling he would today. And to his satisfaction his son does in fact step out the car. The woman waits patiently, pausing in her foot steps. His son turns and adjust his suit while making his way to her. They stare at each other playfully and the woman sways her full hips side to side grinning cheekily at him, clutching a small bag in her hand.

His son stuffs his hand into his pockets and stares down out her. He isn't smiling, but in his eyes he sees again what he fears the most for his son. Love for the women before him. In his eyes he holds the depth that he knew so many people considered his son lacked. His son steps forward then, carefully bending down he eyes his Amaranthine momentarily before leaning into her ear. His lips move slowly as he whispers something to ear. When he looks back at her his smile comes over his face smoothly.

He walks past her into the building and she follows after him, slipping her hand around his arm. The man can't help but notice how light their steps were.

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