Ch. 32) Healing, Forgiveness & Love in the New Year

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A/n- Y'all I ain't even boutta lie here, there's gonna be hella typos in this. It would be a great help if you guys can you know just point them out. But enjoy. Here's the next chapter ☺️


December 21

Staring at the larger than I expected house, I hesitate to knock. I kept thinking, "For a house that was given to Lana and her family, it was considerably generous." But I mostly thought the thoughts to calm my nervous feelings.

I wasn't sure if she was guilty, or enraged. If she was enraged there was more of a chance she wouldn't dare want to see my face. But I wanted to settle things before I had my baby. It was already the end of December and I was as big as I could handle at this point.

I couldn't explain why I felt like I had to talk to her other than the fact that Jerias was still unconscious, and beginning to grow weaker and weaker. I looked at him and felt fear now, somehow... at some point, hope seemed far away. And with his death becoming more evident, and the one of the few people in this world I could blame for it seated up inside of the house. I felt like it was something I could have control over. So I ring the doorbell.

All while empathizing at the same time. She lost her husband to an Amaranthine, whom he now lives happily with. And now her son is almost never home even though I've tried over and over again to convince him stay with his mom. That it's not her fault, that she's still his mother and she probably needs him now more than ever. But it didn't take me long to realize that the reason he stayed with me in Jerias's home so often was not to take care of me really, but to avoid his mom.

He was disappointed in her, and somehow managed to feel deep shame in himself for what she had done.

"Him dying doesn't make any of this easier," he told me once, "He's helped are family so much when we lost a lot of money, lost our home. And he helped us get back on our feet," he said bitterly, "bought us a home, helped my father find a job in the council. And even before him dad always told me what Markys did for him and mother..."

He stopped talking then and just stared at me angrily before walking away. I knew his rage wasn't directed towards me, so I had let him go. I let him breathe, this must've been hard for him too after all.

Sulana was a woman scorned in the end though. A woman who lost her husband, the love of her life. Even now I can remember the way she talked about him. She loved her husband so much, and now she might be feeling as though she lost everything.

The door opens and a woman answers the door, one who looked like Sulana but wasn't Sulana, and I wondered if Lana had siblings.

"Ah... hi!" I smile.

"Hi," her hair is brown but cut short to her shoulders, her eyes are shaped just like Sulana's, round big and pretty, but their green. And both her build and face are slimmer and smaller in shape. Although she was much taller than her, "Who are you?"

"I'm... I'm here for Sulana. I uh, just wanted to talk to her."

"She didn't tell me she was going to have visitors today."

"Yeah, yeah. It's a surprise," I lift my hand, a basket in it, "I just wanted to catch up. Say hi. I brought snacks."

She eyes me up and down, hands on hips. Before opening the door wider, "Come on in," she finally offers and I past her as I walk in, smiling meekly I hear her start yelling, "Sulana! A friend's here to visit."

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