Ch. 33) Precious Moments

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A/n: hey guys 😊 here's the long awaited update. The rest of my chapters are done so expect steady updates from here on out each week. Kayy. Thanks ❤️






I was nineteen. And a mom. I was... worried one could say. Shaken up by it. But then I held him in my arms.... I touched him, looked into his eyes. Spoke gently to him words of love and protection.

And just like that all my worries flew away.

My mother, who was dead, would've loved him. Jerias who was not awake, would've loved him more.

They don't tell you all the time... but there is a sort of treasure in love, there's a sort of hope. A sense of, everything being okay. Here I was, feeling as though having lost everything. Withered down to the ghost of me. Precious parts of my strength scattered around the house where I wandered and left them. Hope, a distant song from memories. Love, cascading down the walls of this home like tears. Sometimes I looked in the mirror... and I saw something that looked like nothing. This strange and frightening sort of emptiness.

But then... I held him and everything was okay. And it wasn't scary. It was peaceful. Usually love like this... it was scary. Right? Usually... but not with my baby. Not with him. It was okay.
I held him, and everything was okay... and I was brave.

I was in labor for about four hours.

And my baby was born January 4, 12: 02 am. He was a boy with eyes like the ocean, and a voice like an angels choir. And his cries could be heard from down the hall. His laughter felt throughout the soul. And when I held him for the first time I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop thinking...

"He looks just like Jerias doesn't he..." I muttered out to everyone. They'd gathered around me to seize the moment. They stared into the eyes of the small miracle wrapped in my arms.

And when he looked up at me... He smiled a little bit... curling his small hand around my one finger and I melted.

Then those blue eyes shut and I was left just holding him. I don't think David, my doctor, left either. He'd stayed for two weeks after the birth, he'd brought his Amaranthine and his ex wife over to visit. His daughter and her Amaranthine. Kyanna visited, Jaxx, other council members, even some students from the class I taught at school.

They'd all come to visit. And not once did I hear words of dismay. The small baby had captured the hearts of everyone who met him. I loved him far before he was born though... And I just knew he'd do it. This miracle, who had a smile that reminded those of Jerias's, but dimples I heard were from his mother. There's nothing but love emulating from him. And from me to him it was the same.

I barely slept at night for weeks. And I had him sleep with me in my room. Scared for him in this world too far away from me, so for weeks I didn't sleep. For weeks I sat there besides my baby. Humming to him, rocking him to sleep, holding him, just staring sometimes. And I forgot about everyone else. People... did that too sometimes though. Just came and stared as if he was the most mesmerizing thing in the world. But I suppose it was because he was.

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