Chapter 14

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"I still don't see why both Emperor Kaito and Empress Selene had to leave to go on this mission. We are facing a world-wide dilemma here, not a personal or even Commonwealth problem." Huffed the King of the United Kingdom.
Cynthia shifted in her seat uncomfortably. This was her first Earthen Union council meeting since taking up her parent's throne while they were gone. Not only was it still terribly boring, but now each of the world leaders were taking turns tiptoeing around their disdain that she was so young and yet so powerful all the while flinging insults at her and her parents. It was infuriating, but she was too embarrassed to speak. She knew she should have some smart and quick response to their doubts and disapproval like her mother would, but nothing would come.
Torin came to her aid, already very experienced in the field of guiding young monarchs through their first week of reign. "I believe the emperor and empress decided to manage the lunar soldier issue because they and the heroes of the Lunar War are the most experienced in handling this kind of problem, honorable council members. It is in all of our best interests that the people who saved our world as we know it the first time are the first people to try and save it again."
The rest of the council members nodded at Torin's words. Cynthia let out a minuscule sigh of relief from her lips. She was glad she would not have to deal with council members annoyed with both her inexperience and her parents abandonment. She would show them she could handle being empress. Her father had done it and so could she.
This helped her find her voice. "I'm sure my parents will return from their mission soon, but in the mean time The Commonwealth will be in good hands. I may be young but I'm the same age my father was when he took the throne, and this is only a temporary situation. I'm proud to serve as long as my parents are gone and I can assure you I take this very seriously."
The other council members nodded again, seemingly appeased for now. The grand minister of Luna closed the meeting with assurances that all ports on Luna except the official government maintained and secured one were on lock down. No more former lunar soldiers would be arriving on earth to assist or be taken hostage by the resurgent forces. Then the meeting was adjourned, and the faces of the world leaders faded to black. Cynthia and Torin were the only ones left in the room.
Torin gave Cynthia's shoulder a warm squeeze. "You did very well Princess. It can be hard to face the judgement of all of the world leaders at the same time, but you did it with confidence and grace. I'm sure your parents will be proud of you when they return."
Cynthia was touched. "Thank you Torin. That means a lot to me," she said smiling up at him.
Torin nodded his head to the princess and then left the room. Cynthia got up to follow him, but before she could leave a small and very old pear-shaped android entered the room followed by Rikan wearing his grease-stained trousers and t shirt he wore when working in his shop. Cynthia looked at him, a question in her eyes, but the android answered it first.
"Hello Princess Cynthia. My name is Nainsi. I was Emporer Kaito's personal android assistant until a few years before you were born. I'm here to help you perform your duties as you stand in for the emperor and empress until they return."
Cynthia thanked the android, who then told her she had a 4 o'clock meeting in her study with the Commonwealth's head security officer about possible strike-zones for the next Lunar wolf attack. Then Nainsi left to find Leo, Fitz, and Solstice at Cynthia's request.
"You fixed dad's old android to help me?" Cynthia asked her brother who was now grinning from ear to ear.
"Sure sis," he replied. "With Iko gone and Torin already running half of this operation I figured you would need a little organizational help. So I grabbed Nainsi from dad's room, she was just sitting in the corner, and took her down to the shop. It didn't take much. She's in very good condition."
Cynthia hugged her brother. "Thanks for helping me Rikan. I am going to need all the help I can get until mom and dad..."
Cynthia was interrupted by the bracelet on her wrist flashing bright red. Yesterday the palace's head technology official had given it to her. It signaled her when she got a comm by flashing a color. The color corresponded with the urgency of the message. Normally her bracelet flashed green or blue, and sometimes even orange if she was needed somewhere immediately, but it had not yet flashed red.
Cynthia pulled out her portscreen and read the comm, her eyes darting over the message. Rikan watched her, alarm on his face as well as he waited to hear what was written in the comm.
"We have to get downstairs NOW," Cynthia urged her brother. He didn't argue and they both ran out the door of the meeting room and down the web of hallways until they arrived at the stairs of the great hall. Cynthia charged down them first and out the front doors of the palace onto the lawn in front. When she saw what was on the lawn she froze in shock. Beside her Rikan also froze, blinking at the scene before them.
Cynthia heard footsteps and turned away from the lawn to see Leo, Solstice, and Fitz all with frightened looks on their faces as they stared out in front of them. None of them spoke because none of them knew what they could possibly say.
The Rampion lay on the lawn on its side covered in a haze of black smoke. It was crumpled and battered all over. Flames licked the ship's engines, flickering against the haze. Six palace guards and firemen stood at the ship's door waiting. Before long four soldiers wheeled out two stretchers while eight more helped coughing, limping people off the crashed ship. Cynthia couldn't identify the people on the stretchers and limping out through the smoke, but she only counted seven.
They had sent ten on the mission.
The people on stretchers were put on hover-beds and whisked off to the hospital wing, and as they flew past through the front doors Cynthia recognized them as Scarlet and Jacin. Both were alive, she was assured by an officer who came to speak with her, but they needed urgent medical attention for their injuries. Each of the walking and coughing crew members approached the front door as a slower pace, and as they emerged from the smoke Cynthia's eyes darted over all of them and her heart stopped.
Leo's father clutched his mother in his arms, almost carrying the small woman. Solstice's mother eased out of the smoke coughing, but otherwise looking unharmed. Kinney limped out clutching his side and heaving, but refusing the help of any guard that would come near him. Finally the emperor emerged, his eyes wild and angry, yelling and waving his hands at the guards walking with him into the palace. He stopped before Cynthia and her brother and their frightened expressions.
"Where's mom?" Rikan squeaked.

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