Chapter 25

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The trash collection tunnels were dank and cold. Their steps echoed against the solid concrete walls. A nauseating smell hung low over the crew as they trekked through the belly of Artemisia.
They met no one, and Cynthia was glad for that. She could feel the biolelectricity pulsing between her fingers, and she didn't want to have to use it one anyone but Thaumaturge Nyx. Each step she took toward the palace's chute was one step closer to the person who could take everyone she loved from her. She would not let that happen.
"I think I see it." Kinney's voice echoed down through the tunnel at a gruff whisper. Sure enough they had reached a dead end. Seven chutes wider than two lunar soldiers slanted down from the same wall out toward them. "Artemisia Palace" was printed in yellow paint that glowed faintly beneath them.
"How are supposed to know which one leads to Cinder?" Asked Scarlet, arching her brow at the possibilities that were just too many.
"I'm... not sure," said Kinney bitterly. Cynthia could practically feel Iko's smirk behind her. It wasn't often that Kinney might admit such a thing.
"I do!" She said, her voice still a little garbled after her hasty repair. "I downloaded a map of the palace a long time ago, it should be in my system somewhere..."
It took a few minutes, and several colorful curses under her breath, but Iko finally came out of what had looked like a self-induced trance.
"There's three routes to the throne room through these chutes. These..." she said pointing to the far left two, "and that one." She pointed at the chute in the center.
"Well, let's get going then," said the emperor starting toward the middle one. "Come on everyone."
"Maybe we should split up," came a voice from the bottom of the group. Cress looked like she wished she didn't have to say it, but she continued. "If we split up there's less of a chance we'll all get cornered in a chute, and more of a chance if some of us get caught that there will be people left to get us out. ''
The group was silent for a moment. Cynthia did not want to split away from the group. Maybe she could protect them with this strange power coursing through her veins. Or, more likely, they could get her out of a tough situation they were bound to encounter. At the same time though, she knew. If they wanted to get her mom and Leo back the best way was to increase their chances and split up.
"She's right." Kinney finally said. Thorne looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn't say anything. Kai, however, looked about to crack.
"We can't split up. There's strength in numbers, and we only won the Lunar war when we were finally all together. If we split up numbers we divide our strengths," he protested.
Scarlet shook her head. "Last time when we were split we were on different planets and in different domes. This time we will just be in another room. This is the best way to get to Cinder."
Kai sighed, the mention of Cynthia's mother always, always had an effect on him. "Alright," he consented after a moment. "But we need a detailed plan."
"I think I have one Kai, but I have to admit, you're probably not going to like it." Thorne said, finally putting something into words through all of this.
"What do you mean?" the emperor asked, arching his brow.
"It involves Thia, and whatever she calls that thing she can do."
Cynthia was headed up the main chute first, followed by Scarlet and Iko, the main strike team. To her surprise a thrill ran up her spine. Finally, they were going to go rescue the empress and Leo. Finally they would set things right and restore order to the Earthen Union.
Climbing the chute was a lot like climbing a slide on a playground. There weren't sides to fully grip, but having the whole thing enclosed allowed for fairly easy access. Honestly, it was a wonder no one had ever broken in before. One set of guards guarding the only entrance and easy access? It became more and more suspicious as Cynthia got into the rhythm and started to climb faster.
It was pitch black inside of the chute, the faint glow of the eerie tunnel lights lost far below them. It wasn't until the garbage chute's door was almost within arm's reach that Cynthia could see a sliver of light from inside the palace. She paused for a moment, listening. She'd like to hurt as few people as possible, or rather, she'd like Scarlet and Iko hurt as few people as possible. She wasn't as sure she could reproduce whatever had happened in the underground library as she was that Scarlet and Iko could do some serious damage.
As she listened she thought about the plan. It was fairly simple. The rest of the crew was going to do their best to get Cynthia through, but she would have to be the one to take down Nyx. Her strange ability was their only chance. She just hoped she would be able to use it right when she got the chance. Last time...
Last time she had lost her mother again, and Leo for the first time. As soon as the thought left her mind she felt a pang in her heart. Leo, who had agreed to come with her out of pure loyalty. Leo, who had promised to be there for her even if it meant straying from his high-ranking position he had worked hard at for years in the Air Force. Leo, who she had taken a moment to recognize at her birthday ball just weeks ago. Leo, who had been her friend all her life. Having him leave for school and come back and then get taken away again made her realize something she wasn't even ready to admit in her own thoughts yet.
And, of course, her mother. The great Empress Selene of Luna and the Commonwealth. To the rampion crew she was just Cinder, but to Cynthia she was just mom. She had always been there, supportive of Cynthia and her quest to prepare herself for rule. She had gone through it herself so recently. Still, she never hesitated to be a real mother. One she could talk to and one who would listen. One who would call out her mistakes but love her all the same.
"Stars," Cynthia whispered under her breath, not even audible to Scarlet who was braced against the chute just below her. She missed her mom. She wanted her mom. Cynthia's eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them away, again focusing on listening.
After several moments it became clear that if there was someone out there they were being silent on purpose. Hoping that wasn't the case, Cynthia pulled the door open and the light washed over them.

A/N: Hey guys, how are you? I haven't been doing author's notes in a while so I decided to do one today. OH MY STARS WIRES AND NERVE!! If you want to react don't leave comments here because spoilers but you can leave comments in my conversations section on my page. IT WAS SOOOOO AMAZING. I ESPECIALLY LOVED PAGE 177!!! It also gave me more insight into Kinney and what he's like, so hopefully I'll be able to use him more in the upcoming chapters.

I hope you guys like this one. It has been in the works for a while and I just got around to it. You know how school and rereading the entire Harry Potter series is: very time consuming.


Final note: I'm reading King's Cage right now, book three in the Red Queen series. Have any of you guys read it? If so, what's your rating on it? Red Queen was really really good, like four and three quarters stars, but I'd give Glass Sword zero, ugh it was so disappointing. Let me know what you think.

Happy Valentines Day!

As always, with love,

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