ϟ terrors in the night ϟ

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Peter, Scorpius and Albus make they're way from the Great Hall together. Peter and Albus are chatting away about the Wizarding band, The Blibbering Humdingers, who had just announced they're reunion tour this year! Peter cuts off mid sentence when he spots his friends watching them at the bottom of the stairs in the Entrance Hall. Albus smirks and nods at them, they're giving he and Scorpius rather suspicious looks. First Year Albus would've hated this but now he just saw the humour.
"Well I'll see you later. At Quidditch tryouts tomorrow right?" Peter says to the two.
Albus nods. "Certainly. You can't leave me to watch this dork fail on my own!" He remarks, placing a hand on Scorpius's shoulder.
Scorpius shoves his friend in the stomach. "I will not fail, Albus Severus! Imagine all the girls..." He looks off in a dazed way.
Albus laughs. "What girls are gunna want you?" The two share a look. Except its not just a look, it's one of the perhaps too long ones that speaks long unexplainable volumes.
Peter exchanges goodnights with them and they head towards the dungeons. As they descend the stairs further down into the castle, Scorpius turns to Albus. "What did you think of that then?" He asks.
Albus shrugs. "He's nice, it's just odd. Why does he just suddenly want to be our friends?"
The two turn a corner away from the rest of the students to a deserted corridor, a slightly delayed route to Slytherin Common Room but it means they're alone.
Scorpius casually puts his hand around Albus's shoulder and says "Well, he's a Hufflepuff. They're kinda kind just cause it's they're thing. I mean they're just nice naturally I think."
Albus thinks this through. "Perhaps we'll give him a go then. How did I get a best friend so god damn smart?"
Scorpius laughs. "Someone's gotta make up for all the stupid in there!" He ruffles Albus's hair.
Albus laughs and lazily rests his head on Scorpius's shoulder. "God, he talks a lot though." He yawns.
"Yeah, but maybe then it won't be just your voice I hear all day!" Scorpius mocks.
Albus playfully shoves at him. "You love hearing my voice!" As the Slytherin Common Room entrance comes into view, Albus storms ahead.
"I won't deny, I do." Scorpius whispers under his breath, hoping Albus wouldn't hear.
"What's that Scorp?" Albus calls back.
"Nothing!" He hurriedly replies, his ears burn red.


He lurches forward,
Pain breaks across his face,
Agony rings in his ears.
He howls in the pale moonlight.

"Scorpius! Scorpius!" Albus shouts, jolting up in bed.
"I'm here, Albus. I'm okay. Try not to wake the other boys, okay?" Scorpius whispers from Albus's bedside. Long fingers lace themselves with Albus's through the night. They're warm, smooth, soft.
"Okay, okay." Albus pants, he wipes the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He lays back down again.
"You were talking again. My name this time. Same dream?" Scorpius asks.
Albus nods. "Yeah, yeah. Delphi torturing you."
The mattresses springs creak as Scorpius lays beside him and fumbles under the covers. "I get them too. Mines different though. Do you want me to tell you about it?"
Albus turns onto his side, facing Scorpius. Moonlight creeps through the dormitory, illuminating Scorpius with a glow, his eyes are wide and panicky, filled to the brim with worry. "Yes." Albus whispers back.
Scorpius pulls his wand out from his pyjama bottoms and flicks it. The bed curtains fly shut instantly. "Muffilato! Lumos!" The bed is filled with a low light from Scorpius's wand, seeing each other makes the two smile.
Albus brushes Scorpius's hair back. "Tell me."
"It's a odd one. Kinda sad but also kinda happy too. I'm back in the other world in the dream. The one where Voldemort won?" Scorpius begins, his voice still a whisper despite the Muffling charm being cast. Albus nods. "I'm surrounded by the Dementors and everything is really sad and cold and I kinda feel like I'll never be happy like ever. I can hear my Mum screaming. Severus Snape tells me to think of you, like I told you before. And I do and it works for a while. I'm starting to feel a little better, a little lighter, you know? But then I just remember you don't exist. Well you didn't in that world. I lost hope that I was gunna get out of this world and this wasn't going to be fixed and I wasn't going to see you ever again. It terrifies me, it's worse than the Dementors or Voldemort being back. It's like-" He stops mid sentence and takes a deep breath. He bites his bottom lip and looks down at his and Albus's hands tangled together.
"Scorpius..." Albus whispers. He lifts his chin up and hugs his friend closer. Albus cradles the back of Scorpius's head, losing his hand into his blond locks. He can distinctly smell Scorpius's sweet vanilla shampoo, he breathes it in and lives for it. "We won." He whispers in Scorpius's ear. "We're back here together and we will be always."
They're both quiet for a couple of moments, letting they're words sink in. Out of fear of freaking him out Albus retreats from his hold on Scorpius. But Scorpius jolts forward and nuzzles his face into Albus's neck and wraps his arms around him. "No, Albus. It's fine. It's more than fine." He says into his shoulder.
Albus doesn't know what makes him do it but he brushes his lips against Scorpius's head. Scorpius squirms from the touch. "Your sure this isn't weird?" Albus asks.
"Not at all."
They go quiet again, the only sound in this small bubble they made for only them is they're slow long breathing. "Albus, if I tell you something don't freak out okay?" He asks warily. "Or- or I'll use a Time Turner and take it back!" He jokes.
Albus laughs. "I don't think you'd dare. Sure, go for it."
Scorpius moves back to look Albus in the eyes, but keeps his arms around him. They're still riddikulusly close. He gulps down all the spit that's gathered in his throat in the last few minutes then opens his mouth then closes it again.
"Just say it, Scorp." Albus encourages.
"Okay, well I like you." He begins. "Like a lot. Like more than a friend should." He looks down again and takes a long deep breath. "I'm sorry. I don't wanna be awkward about it. I know you'd never like me this way." He mumbles, sorrowfully.
Albus strokes Scorpius's hair and lifts up his chin again to meet his eye. "Scorpius, don't worry yourself. I like you too."
Scorpius shakes his head. "It's not the same."
"Yes it is." Albus rolls his eyes and grins like a big fool. "I like you more than a friend should too." He clutched his hand tightly. "And I'm so so so glad you told me. I always thought you weren't interested when you talked about Rose all the time."
Scorpius smiles too, like a much bigger fool. "I always did that so you wouldn't suspect I liked you." He chuckles.
Albus raises his eyebrows and smirks. "So I got all jealous for nothing?" He asks.
"Yep, sorry."
"Your a rotten one, Malfoy."
"Yeah right, Potter!" He sneers, jumping up and straddling Albus and gently thumping him on the chest, like a 5 year old would play-fight with his Dad.
"Get off, Malfoy!" Albus laughs, he flails his legs about, trying to shift Scorpius. But Scorpius has a strong hold on his friend. Albus hits him in just the right place though and Scorpius topples forward.
They're faces are now mere inches apart. Scorpius dances circles into Albus cheek with the tip of his finger whilst Albus's hands get lost in those precious blond locks once again. All it takes is they're noses touching slightly then they fall into each other's lips.
"Woah." Albus gasps.
"Woah." Scorpius grins.
Albus smacks him on the arm. "Your stupid!" He teases.
"No, your stupid!" Scorpius bounces up and down on Albus, he rubs against exactly the right place and Albus groans. They stare at each other for a moment then explode into infectious giggles.
Then they sleep. In each other's arms, Scorpius snuggled into Albus's chest, for they have saved each other from the terrors in the night.

Authors note: Sorry this is so long! I REALLY NEED TO LET MY SCORPIUS OUT!

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