ϟ what's a thing? ϟ

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Albus and Peter climb up the stands to the very top where they sit together and eat the very last of the muffins Peter brought. Peter looks across the pitch.  On the other side of the pitch a small group of Slytherin First Years are talking excitedly and impatiently watching the pitch. On the front row of their stand Peter spots Bruce Wayne sat all by himself, being the only one of Zabini's cronies not trying out. Amongst the other Slytherins trying out and the Slytherin Team Scorpius comes out onto the pitch in oversized padding and Quidditch robes.
Albus laughs when he sees him and cups his hand around the mouth and shouts over "Looking great, Scorpion King!"
He chews a slice of muffin and turns to face Peter. "So Pete, what's the deal with you and Bruce?" He asks as Scorpius rises into the air with the other students.
Peter gives him a confused look. "What do you mean?" He asks.
"Well your so curious about him and honestly no ones ever curious about Bruce Wayne. You kinda look at him funny too." He scratches the back of his head and watches Scorpius sail through the air. He's a little wobbly but seems to just manage to stay in the air. His fancy sports broom his father got him sets him apart from the other students. "I mean you've not stopped staring since we got here." Albus adds, pointing Bruce out. "It's that way you look at him. Scorpius sees you do it too and honestly I see him do it when he looks at me. At least I notice now. I look at him that way two so I'm told." Albus smirks up at Scorpius who hoots out into the air as he sails higher and higher. But it isn't Albus's usually cheeky, sarcastic, humoured smirk. It's like a childs, occurring naturally and full of a uncontrollable pleasure.
"I don't know what you mean. I'm just trying to be nice and he...intrigues me." Peter replies, talking quietly and not meeting Albus's eye. "How do you look at Scorpius?" He asks after a while.
"I'm not sure how to explain it. You've probably seen it. Look I know your the all unjudging Puff Puff so you won't be a dick. The thing is..." Albus is at loss for words.
Peter gives him a encouraging look. "What? What's the thing?"
"The thing is me and Scorpius. Me and Scorpius are the thing. We are a thing." He awkwardly grits his teeth together and shakes himself.
"Your a thing? Sorry what's thing?" Peter asks completely clueless.
Albus opens his mouth to talk but stops and squints through the sun light. "What's Zabini doing?" He asks.
Zabini has turned in the air and sneered at Scorpius, he leans forward and the broom zooms towards Scorpius. He rockets past Scorpius, jolting him.
Albus jumps to his feet and screams as Scorpius falls to the ground.

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