ϟ curiousity takes the slytherins ϟ

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Albus and Scorpius eat quietly, each looking around curiously for their friend.
"Do you think he stayed around waited for him to come out again?" Albus asks.
Scorpius shrugs. "Maybe. Don't worry he'll come." He touches Albus's knee comfortingly under the table.
"Scorpy, don't you think we should tell him to stay away from Bruce? He might only upset him like last week or worse." Albus asks, putting his hand over Scorpius's and looking over doubtingly.
Scorpius shakes his head. "No. He's doing the right thing. Like he did with us. Anyways I have a feeling Peter's not a easy person to convince." Scorpius licks across his lips, Albus watches him do it eagerly. He brushes a blond strand out of the boys eye. "Pete will come through them doors any second."
They waited and waited but Pete didn't come. After the tables had been cleared the rest of the students had left and the teachers themselves were leaving the hall, Peter still didn't come but Scorpius and Albus still waited.
Professor McGonagall passed them on her way out. She shoots them one of her signature scowls. "Come on, boys off to the dormitory with you." She says.
Albus and Scorpius turn to her. "We're waiting for Peter. You haven't seen him have you Professor? We haven't seen him since he left early for the toilet in Divination." Scorpius asks, getting worried too now.
Professor McGonagall shakes her head. "Sorry, Malfoy, I haven't. He may have just fallen ill. Now move along to the Dormitory you'll see him in the morning." She insists.
Begrudgingly the two get up and walk from the hall with the Professor following closely behind them.
Out in the Entrance Hall both boys stare curiously as Bruce Wayne comes down the staircase. He keeps his head down as usual and his expression remains bleak but the boys can't help but notice a bounce in his step. He gives the two a wide eyed look before leaving through the door towards the dungeons
Soon after Peter comes down the stairs too but he is making no effort to hide his pleasure. He smiles broadly at the two and walks over.
"You won't believe what just happened!" He says excited.
Scorpius is about to ask what but Professor McGonagall steps between the two. "I'm sure that can wait until the morning, Parker. Now the three of you need to get to bed." She tells them.
Awkwardly Peter reaches forward and pull the two in close with his arms around them both. "I was right." He whispers. "Bruce is good. He's brilliant. He saved you, Scorpius. I'll tell you more later at the fireplace, midnight." He pulls away from the hug. "Goodnight."  He says, joyfully, leaving the hall and McGonagall and the two boys flabbergasted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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