ϟ the fall ϟ

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Albus pushes pass Peter and runs down the stairs to the front of the stand. Scorpius is still falling, getting closer and closer towards the ground. Zabini and his friends in the air are howling with laughter and he can hear Bruce chuckling behind him. Albus's head is buzzing, like he tumbling down a rough rocky hill and he can't breath. It's getting more and more intense by the second. He waits for the deafening crack as Scorpius hits the ground. But it doesn't come. Scorpius is laid on his back in the grass staring up at the sky in confusion. Nothing's hurt. He's completely fine. He sits up and hits the ground with his fist.
"Cushioning Charm!" He shouts up to his friends.
Albus takes a breath of relief. His boyfriend was okay. But that didn't take away the humiliation. Zabini and his friends had still had their fun and still found it hilarious.
Albus turns on Bruce and glares down at him. "Look what your stupid little friends did! He could've died! And you just did this for a laugh?" He shouts. Bruce's smile drops and he looks sorrowfully into Albus's eyes. "Your as bad as them, Wayne!" Albus growls, going for his wand.
But Peter is there and he tugs Albus hand away from his wand and pulls him back. "Don't do anything you'll regret, Albus. It isn't his fault." He tells him.
Albus shrugs him off, still glaring at Bruce. "Be grateful Peter fancies you or I would've hexed you!" He spits at him before storming off towards the stairs and down from the stands.
Peter still stands in front of Bruce. He awkward clutches his hands across his chest and smiles weakly. "He isn't usually a jerk. He just... He cares a lot for Scorpius. And I don't, erm, fancy you." He stutters on the last sentence.


Scorpius runs from the changing rooms and right past Albus and Peter. He runs across the grounds, keeping his head down, to a beech tree beside the lake. He slumps down at the trunk and brings his knees up to his chest, hiding his face in them.
Albus hurries up to him and kneels upto him. Peter drifts behind him, not sure what to do.
"Scorp, it's okay. Your fine." Albus whispers. He forces Scorpius to lift his face up and sees three black finger smudges on his cheek. He's still red and sweaty from the fall. Albus spreads out Scorpius's hands and finds them covered into black too. "Scorpius?" Albus says, warily.
"It's ink. Must've of not fastened the lid properly, got all over my bag." Scorpius tells him. A moment passes. "Or they did it." He rubs his forehead and gets the ink on there too.
Albus pins down his hands. "Don't touch yourself, you'll get ink all over." Then he has a idea. He takes Scorpius's hands and puts them flat against both his cheeks. "Now we're both idiots with ink on our faces." Scorpius cracks a grin. "I'd fall of a broomstick too but I can't count on the cushioning charm twice." He adds dryly.
Scorpius laughs. "What happened with that anyways? Did you cast it?"
Albus shakes his head. "I thought you did."
"Maybe Madam Pomfrey's sick of all the broken bones and enchanted the pitch." Peter suggests.
The three stay quiet for a minute. Albus brushes Scorpius hair out of his face and leans forward to kiss him.
Peter widens his eyes. "Oh okay. I'll just look over here then." He turns around and looks over the lake and smiles at the two.
"Guys?" He says after a while.
"Yeah Pete?" Scorpius asks.
Peter turns back around to face him. Albus and Scorpius have swapped places, Scorpius sits between Albus's stretched out legs and rests his head on his chest. Albus idly plays with the blond head of hair.
"Did you see Bruce? As you fell?" Peter asks excitedly.
Albus frowns. "I saw him laughing at Scorpius falling to his possible death. Seriously, you were so wrong about him. He's a asshat like the rest of them."
Peter shakes his head. "Didn't you see? He only laughed when Zabibi looked at him. He wasn't laughing at first, but Zabini gave him a right look then he started."
"What're you trying to say? He still laughed didn't he? He's still a dick."
"What I'm trying to say is that maybe Bruce is just as scared of Zabini as we are. He doesn't want to laugh." Peter's eyes glitter with excitement.
"That's very far fetched." Albus tells him. "Just admit you might be wrong."
"Well I'm sorry this 'unjudging Puff Puff' is just trying to be nice!" Peter says, with a hint of fire.
"Why would he be friends with him if he was scared of him?" Scorpius asks.
Peter sits down, crossed legged, in front of them. "Remember when you told me about when you guys first met? You said Rose said whoever you sit with on your first Hogwarts Express is your friend for life. Maybe Bruce didn't know Zabini was such a arse. Now he's trapped with him."
"One problem. Bruce Wayne is a Pure Blood. Zabini's family are pretty popular with Voldemort's followers there's no way he wouldn't have know of them." Albus says, nodding triumphantly.
Peter thinks for a moment. "Have you guys ever heard of a Pure Blood Wayne family?" He asked. They both think about it then shake their heads. Peter smirks. "Maybe he's not a Pure Blood."  He jumps up and spreads his arms out to the sky excitedly. "We have to find out more! Let's find out where he goes after Divination."
Albus rolls his eyes then turns to Scorpius. "We're going to have to help him, aren't we?" He asks.
Scorpius nods. "Yes. He is our friend after all." He smirks and kisses Albus on the cheek.
Albus sighs and mumbles "Bloody friends." But he's smiling as riddikulusly as the other two.

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