ϟ wide open mind ϟ

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Albus reaches out and feels for Scorpius but all he gets is bed covers. He's about to call out for his friend when
"Thank Dumbledore, your up! I thought we'd miss tryouts if you slept any longer." Scorpius says from his bed across the room. He's sat up reading a Quidditch book he borrowed from
the Library. He's already dressed.
Albus sits up and swings his legs round off the bed. "Did I take all the covers?" He asks, patting down the sheets. He wasn't sure he was a great bed partner. He'd never slept in the same bed as a girl let alone a boy.
Scorpius smirks over at his friend. "I had to come back over here before the other boys woke up. Don't really want Zabini seeing me in bed with you, Potter."
Albus wipes the sleep from his eyes and looks around the dormitory and finds all the beds empty. He gets up and drifts over to Scorpius. "Fair point, nerd." He crouches down and kisses Scorpius briskly. He can't help but blush. Wow, he thinks, that's something they can just do now. He slumps across Scorpius's stretched out legs on his chest. "Your still going to tryouts? I thought you didn't have to impress any girls anymore."
Scorpius nods and closes his book. He attempts to brush down a stuck up part of Albus's hair as he talks. "It's not just that. I'd like to at least tryout. I think Dad would like it."
Albus rolls on his back and looks up at his friend. "Okay. I don't want you to embarrass yourself. I mean your reading a book about how to play a sport. I wouldn't call that athletes intuition." He cracks into a quiet laugh at the last two words, picturing Scorpius in a full Quidditch padding.
"I won't embarrass myself! Besides it's not all too complicated." He flips over the book and reads the blurb, trailing his finger along each line.
Albus watches his eyes dart across the page. "And just cause your Dad would like you to do something doesn't mean you should do it. You shouldn't have to do this for him. We're just losers remember?"
Scorpius laughs in a quite literally ha-ha kind of way. "I'm not a teen rebel like you, remember Albus?" He clasps onto Albus's shoulders. "Now get dressed or we'll be late! We're already supposed to have met Peter."


Peter leans up against the wall in the Entrance Hall, holding a stack of toasted muffins wrapped in a hand-chief. He peers into the Great Hall, scanning the room for Scorpius and Albus. He doesn't spot them but sees the Scamander twins and Tommy coming up from the Hufflepuff table. Peter straightens back up against wall and hopes they don't notice him. But they do, they shoot him confused looks.
"Where were you this morning?" Lorcan asks.
Peter shrugs. "I came up to breakfast early." He tells them.
"What's up with you anyways? You still haven't told us want went on with Wayne and those other snakes?" Lysander questions, taking a cautious step towards Peter.
"Your totally spying on Slytherin for us right? That's a good lad, Pete. Make sure you find out they're strategy before that match right?" Tommy says excitedly.
"I'm not spying on anyone. I was just trying to be nice." Peter tells him.
Tommy psychically looks disappointed.
"To Slytherins?" Lysander asks, raising his eyebrows at him.
"Yeah. Don't be a prat, Lysander. What makes them our enemies, huh?" Peter shakes his head agitatedly and tries hard to keep his voice low. "It's just Scorpius and Albus, it's not like they're besties with Zabini and his trolls."
Lysander frowns coldly. "There isn't a dark wizard-" He begins.
"that went bad who wasn't in Slytherin. I know." Peter waves his free hand about furiously. "But don't support that entirely stupid and false idea. There's plenty in the other houses that turned out rotten."
"Like who?" Lysander asks.
Peter starts list them off on his fingers. "Quirinus Quirrell was a Ravenclaw, your house. Peter Pettigrew. In that alternate universe Scorpius went to, Cedric Diggory turned into one of the worst dark wizards ever and killed Professor Longbottom, who was in my freaking house!"
Lysander opens his mouth to talk but words get caught in his throat.
Peter takes this as a chance to continue talking. "There's good Slytherins too. Regulus Black. That Sixth Year, Maxine Parkinson. Albus and Scorpius, who saved the fricking world last year may I add. Don't prejudice Slytherins just cause a few made bad choices, Lysander, we of all people should know what that's like."
Lysander opens his mouth to speak again but closes it then shakes his head angrily. "Fine! Make friends with the weirdos, see if I care." He snaps, turning on his heel. "Don't come back to us when they chuck the poofy badger in the lake." He mumbles as he leaves the Entrance Hall out into the grounds.
Peter smiles slightly at his victory. Lorcan and Tommy are still awkwardly stood beside.
Lorcan nods at the bundle. "Is that food?"
Lorcan closes his eyes and sniffs up. "Thought I could smell them muffins. They'll get cold quickly, you should go eat them." Lorcan was a massive foodie!
Peter shakes his head. "Scorpius and Albus will be here soon." He says, looking into the Great Hall once more.
Lorcan licks his lips for a moment and takes out a book from his robes and hands it to him. "Page 115. Great charm I've highlighted that'll warm them up just right."
"Thanks Lorc." Peter smiles, examining the book.
"Don't mention it." Lorcan goes after his brother but stops in the oak front doors. "He doesn't mean to be a dick." He tells Peter, nudging out to Lysander with his thumb. "You know what Zabini and his lot put him through in Third Year." He frowns solemnly then adds with a cheeky grin "Plus I think it peeves him off that I got a girlfriend before him!" He turns out the doors.
"Yeah right!" Peter shouts after him.
Tommy is still left standing there. He smiles at Peter awkwardly. The two had only ever come into friendship through the Scamander twins and never had much in common. But when Tommy opens his mouth Peter still knows what he's thinking before he says it.
"No, I won't spy on them for you, Smith." Peter tells him, determinedly.
Tommy's jaw drops. "Come on, Peter. Think of the Quidditch cup!" He says, still hoping to get his inside scoop on the Quidditch team.
But Peter is as persistent as ever and refuses causing a mock-angry Tommy Smith to storm from the Hall too.

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