Chapter 3

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Gabby's POV

"You stay with me Dawson! You hear me! Stay with me! Come on Gabby! Fight it!" Boden screams as the paramedics transport me into the ambulance. 

My eyes slowly flutter shut, and the commotion of the paramedics and the yelling of Boden fade away. 


I wake up in a white bright room in a long flowing white dress. I sit up and I see someone standing over me. I can't see their face due to the bright light behind them. 

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask covering my eyes from the bright light. 

"Hi Gabby." A familiar voice responds. 

"Leslie." I say an awe as I stand up, seeing her beautiful face. 

"Did you miss me?" Shay chocked  with tears in her eyes. 

I sob and throw myself into her awaiting arms. I breath in her familiar scent and cry into the crook of her neck. 

"Everyday, Shay." I crie as I hug her tighter. 

"Don't cry, love. I have a surprise for you." Shay says as she pulls away wiping the tears from my eyes. 

"This is a surprising enough." I say as she places a blindfold over my eyes. 

"Just take my hand, Gabby." Shay says. 

I place my hand out and she gently grabs it. Leslie leads me around, until she comes to a stop. Shay lets go of my hand and comes up behind to take the blindfold off. I stare in awe of what's in front of me. 

"Leslie, is this what I think it is?" I whisper looking around. 

"Our dream wedding. Just you and me. I know when we planned it you wanted our friends and family, but this is the best I could do. I'm even wearing the tuxedo you picked out, and you're wearing your dress." Leslie says as she pulls me toward the alter. 

"It's perfect. Thank you." I say wiping the happy tears strolling down my cheek. 

"I Leslis Elizabeth Shay, take you Gabriella Dawson to be my lawfully wedded wife. I would say till death do us part, but it already happened." Leslie says as she slips the wedding ring on to my finger gently. 

"I Gabriella Dawson, take you Leslie Elizabeth Shay to be my lawfully wedded wife. Death has already parted us. How does forever sound to you?" I say as I slip the wedding ring on to her finger. 

"Forever sounds perfect. Time for the reading of vows." Leslie says. 

"I don't have any vows prepared." I say laughing nervously. 

"Guess who came prepared. Gabby, I love you. I love you so much that to be able to see you again and be able to have our dream wedding is making me the happiest dead person alive. I'm so sorry that it took me so long when I was alive to propose. Thank you for always putting up with my crap and never giving up on me or our love for each other. I'm so happy that I came to my senses and told you that I was in love with you. I'll always be with you, even if you'll never know I'm there. I love you, and I'm so happy that I spent my last remaining years with you. I will always love you, and will never forget the tears, laughter, smiles, and drinks we've shared. Everyday will be challenging not to be able to wake up next to you, make love to you, driving to work with you, and spending every hour of the day with you. But I look forward to the time we'll spend when it becomes the time for you to be with me. I love you, and you'll always be in my heart and mind." Shay says with tears streaming down her face.

"You may kiss the bride now." I crie. 

Shay pulls me to her and we share the most loving kiss we can muster. All of the love we have for each other shared in that one kiss. I pull apart but keep our foreheads together. 

"Take me with you. Please. I can't live one more day without you." I plead. 

"I can't. I wish I could, but I can't Gabby." Shay cries. 

I kiss her again, we stay for that as long as we can. Standing on the alter, kissing our hearts out. 

"It's time for you to go back." Shay says sadly as she pulls away. 

"Will I ever see you again?" I say crying. 

"You will. I'm in here, Gabby. And in here." Shay says tapping my heart and head. 

I nod my head, trying to make the tears stop. 

"I'll always be there. You'll always have my heart." Shay whispers as she steps back from me. 

"And you'll always have mine." I sob. 

Shay takes a few more steps back. Before disappearing she taps her ring, and I look down at mine. 

"I pronounce us wife and wife." Shay says. 

"Forever and forever." I whisper. 

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