Chapter 8: Your Beauty

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[Smut guys. It's definitely included in this chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Enjoy *winks*]

Eren's POV:


I say hesitantly, not fully considering the possibilities. Levi only looks for a moment more before he places his hand on the back of my neck and gently meets our foreheads.

"Don't let him get to you Eren. You have me and I have you. Therefore, I need none other than you. He wont have me as long as I have you..." He says with his signature unamused expression until he naturally closes his eyes and adds "...I promise, Eren."

For some reason, tears threaten to fall out of my eyes. I didn't know he felt this way about me; I didn't know I was special to him.

As soon as this thought crosses my mind, I feel a warm tear roll down my cheek. Following it was several other tears with a side of sniffles too. I don't whimper or make any vocal sounds for that matter. I just close my eyes and let myself cry.

Levi catches on quickly though, pulling away his forehead and using his thumbs to wipe away the tears. I look at and observe his face, noticing that his eyebrows are not furrowed and there isn't a crease on his smooth, porcelain skin; his expression is soft and his lips are parted slightly.

He uses a hand kerchief to clean tears off of my cheeks and neck. My lips are also slightly parted without me noticing because I'm so busy admiring this beautiful sight as if it were something foreign; something I've never seen before.

His soft, smooth skin. His chiseled features. His raven colored silky and soft strands of hair. And his eyes; oh his eyes. I could go on for hours about his eyes.

Their color; steel grey, yet still icy blue. How they enhance his expression. How fitting they are of his personality. My favorite is that you can tell when he's happy because, even though his face may not show it, his eyes glisten and gleam if you pay enough attention to them.

He makes me feel so...warm inside. Just looking at him and even as much as just hearing his voice makes me...

Smile. I think of this beauty that is before me and a warm smile forms on my lips. Even more tears stream down my face now, only these tears aren't of sadness, but of joy.

Levi must've noticed because he looks me in my eyes now and for the first time in all my life... I had seen Levi smile back. Levi is irresistible in this very moment, not lustfully though. I'm in love with him. I know this because the first person I want to see when I wake up every morning is him. Because even tough what happens every day with him is sometimes mundane, at the same time, it never gets old. Because even seeing his most nonchalant expressions is enough to make me fall in love with him all over again. Because he's himself.

"God damn." I whisper and look down. "What did I ever do to deserve you...? I'm a sinner, hated, and sometimes unwanted, so what did I ever do to get somebody so...perfectly lovely?" He lifts my face with his finger and gently cups my cheek with his hand. "You got me because you were simply being yourself, Eren. You being you was enough for me to want-no-need you."

I cry harder when he says this, letting out small whimpers every now and then. He takes a hand and buries my head into his shoulder. Then he wraps his arms around me and nuzzle his nose into my neck, kissing it like it's something fragile.

I hug him back almost immediately. We stay like this long enough for me to calm down and then I ask "Can I wash my face with your sink please?"

"Certainly." He whispers. He kisses my neck once more before he lets go and I immediately regret it. Now I feel empty and cold.

Eren The Oblivious [Eren X Levi]Where stories live. Discover now