Chapter 13: Oceans and Emotions (Final Chapter)

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Eren's POV:

Now, months after I married Levi, we are cuddling on our bed and internally praying for our lives. Tomorrow, the Survey Corps is going on an expedition outside the walls; even outside Shiganshina. "Eren, I love you." My husband says to me.

"I love you too. Don't die please Levi. I could never live without you." I say while stroking Levi's hair. "I won't. I know I won't. You don't die either Eren." He tells me. It's about 7 PM, maybe we should get dinner. I tap Levi and say "We should go get something to eat my love."

He groans in discontent and lifts himself reluctantly. I get up off of the bed and he follows. I go towards the door and he runs to catch up with me, catching my left hand with his own. I chuckle and intertwine our fingers.

When we get to the Mess Hall, Armin and Hanji are sitting with each other and discussing things so we decide to join them. "Hey guys." I say, seating myself and pulling a chair for Levi. He sits and they blush and squeak at how "cute" it was that I just did.

"I can't believe that I'm going to be able to see the ocean tomorrow! You're coming with, right Eren?" Armin ponders out loud. "Definitely!" I respond and hold Levi's hand on the table. They laugh uncontrollably but Levi and I could care less.

Once Levi and I finish eating, we get going and hold hands again. "Levi, we need to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." I say sadly. "Damn. Not even once?" Levi grabs my butt as we walk down the hall. I jump; I wasn't expecting that. "N-No! I'm sorry, love!" I squeal. His hand moves deeper, making me squeamish.

"F-Fine! Only a quickie, no foreplay, and then we sleep!" I whisper yell. He smirks and then unhands me. We open the door to our room and we get naked at the speed of light; a metaphor of course. Well, short story shorter, Levi fucked me into oblivion.

"Hah, okay. We're sleeping now!" I say huffily. "Okay, I'm certainly satisfied." Levi says and then puts on his boxers. I put on mine too; we brush our teeth and hop into bed. We don't have to worry about mess because we did it on the floor.

Levi snuggles into my arms and nuzzles his head into my chest. "I love you Eren." He says gently. "I love you too, Levi. Stay with me forever, okay? Goodnight." I say to him, he giggles lowly. "There's no doubt that I will my love. Goodnight." Levi whispers. We both slowly drift off to sleep.

In the morning, Levi and I wake up in the same position. We get dressed and ready for our expedition. We meet with the rest of the squad and mount our horses outside before gathering in front of the gate for the Karanes district. We go past the wall and then break up into the formation for the technique that Commander Erwin created. I ride with Levi Squad which is Levi, me, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Mikasa, Armin and Historia. We have the safest spot in the formation, reassuring our survival rate. Only 25 people died in Wall Maria, which is nothing in comparison to other times.

Even better in Shiganshina district, only 11 people died. Riding in Shiganshina gives me sad memories. My mom, my dad, Mikasa, Armin; every corner we turn is melancholic. Even though Armin and Mikasa are right next to me, I am reminded of them often when seeing distinct locations around Shiganshina. I look behind me to see Armin and Mikasa looking around and staring at certain areas as well. I guess they remember their fair share too.

We keep going forward for hours more until the sun is nearly down. It wouldn't be down for a few hours though. We've been on our horses for about 10 hours. We all decide to call it a night and let the horses rest.

"We are nearly there, Armin. Just think, tomorrow we'll be outside the walls like we have always dreamed of!" I say joyously. Armin smiles and says "It's going to be wonderful out there! I can already tell!"

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